video Vodka & Carolina Reaper Duo (Video)

I have Primo and Reaper vodka maturing right now, as well as Peach Scorpion and Peach Bhut. I don`t have any Douglah x Butch T to put in bottle, unfortunately.
This is something I`ve done for 25 years and I have tried some of the strangest things that were flat out failures. Ever had dried sardine-infused vodka? Fail!!! Fresh olive-infused vodka? Fail!!! Rat bile-infused vodka? not so bad, actually! 
A friend and I used to try anything to gross the other out. Liver-infused vodka, Dried Chinese beetle-infused vodka, Rat heart-infused vodka. We also tried to make something drinkable, too. Kumquot-infused vodka was great, Tangerine zest and Thai pepper, excellent. Licorice root-infused vodka, brilliant. Lavender-infused vodka? interesting, but not my fav. 
I made some bhut jolokia vodka and its terrifying, even my girl who won't touch hot peppers knows it. When he said "gonna do some shots" she said "he's only going to do one" LOL

Instead of a burn that creeps and builds, it just hits peak heat the second it touches your mouth! I'm gonna try to cook with it...
Nigel said:
I have Primo and Reaper vodka maturing right now, as well as Peach Scorpion and Peach Bhut. I don`t have any Douglah x Butch T to put in bottle, unfortunately.

This is something I`ve done for 25 years and I have tried some of the strangest things that were flat out failures. Ever had dried sardine-infused vodka? Fail!!! Fresh olive-infused vodka? Fail!!! Rat bile-infused vodka? not so bad, actually!

A friend and I used to try anything to gross the other out. Liver-infused vodka, Dried Chinese beetle-infused vodka, Rat heart-infused vodka. We also tried to make something drinkable, too. Kumquot-infused vodka was great, Tangerine zest and Thai pepper, excellent. Licorice root-infused vodka, brilliant. Lavender-infused vodka? interesting, but not my fav.
AaronRiot said:
I worked in a lab that collected rat bile for drug metabolism studies and we had some left over in the freezer. Snake bile-infused alcohol is fairly common in south east Asia, so we extrapolated.................. :rolleyes:
Holy shit nigel you're a madman! I though you were joking...
megahot said:
I was thinkin he was gonna eat a Reaper then take a shot right after LOL. Dude is an animal still. Haha
I think I would possibly try that before I'd try a full shot of reaper vodka. Like I said, I just made mine from bhuts, and still scary stuff. Harder on your stomach than the actual pepper IMO
So the girlfriend was talking about me doing this with some of my reapers. I'm glad I watched the video, I decided that I'm going to do just a pint of vodka and a couple reapers. Man that looked intense. 