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Well, I just completed VBSS Boarding Officer school yesterday and come Monday I'll be starting up a two week class called SRFA (Security Reaction Force Alpha). VBSS = Visit, board, search and seizure and is relatively new to our Navy. If anyone is familiar with the previous Piracy incidents, our VBSS teams are the ones that approach the vessels initially. Right now I'm in the pipeline to be qualified to join my ship's VBSS team for our next deployment coming up, and SRFA is going to be one of the best parts of it! :D

Had to buy a full desert camouflage uniform to participate once the outside of the classroom portion starts..a day or day and a half after the class starts. After that, former SEALs will be training us in things like clearing rooms, searching cargo containers, moving as a team, and culminates with team on team engagements using simunition rounds. It's going to be quite a challenge, but it will also be a lot of fun! A friend from my ship said it was one of the best times he's had since being in the Navy. Can't wait!
I shall! I'm sure there will be times when I am not having fun...like getting dropped or shot...but it's all part of the game.

Haha never thought about saying it like a word. We just say V B S S...not victor bravo sierra sierra. Kinda funny how there are some things in the military that we say like everyone else, then other things we say differently...little rhyme to that reason it seems.

edit...on a side note, I already completed SRFB while on deployment. That class involved training on basic take downs, baton use for take downs..other than wildly swinging it, and the use of OC spray. I think I talked about this one on here somewhere, but that class finished off with a self defense obstacle course of sorts where you get sprayed in the face with OC spray before beginning. Then you have to go around to different stations and knee things, punch, block, etc. Fun stuff! I'm glad I found my certificates for completing that one! Otherwise, I'd have to get sprayed again.
De nada!

Will be as safe as possible. During boardings we'll be nice and armed up with a primary and secondary weapon, as well as a vest or helmet as it calls for. Typically our VBSS team didn't wear helmets most of the time..just flak jackets. Our team has made some busts, but never involved in a firefight.
All that and a paycheck too! Sounds like you're enjoying the decision Brian, I am truly happy for you.