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Ok...I've been looking at a ton of threads concerning varities of peppers I know little to nothing about, except of course, that they're hot....duh! :(

So, what you guys / gals do with these peppers? Ornimental only? Anyone make sauce / salsa with them? What do you do?

I'd really like to see someone make a sauce with one of those Scorpion, 5 color, or for that matter, a Naga.

I use three different peppers to make my variey of sauces, with the orange hab being the common denominator. I can only imagine what the market would be like with all of these crazy varities!!!

Fill me in people!
In my book, there is no such thing as an "ornimental pepper", lol. I dry my peppers for later use, powder them for seasonings/Dave's Zesty Blend, make sauces and salsa, use fresh ones on various food and take the hottest ones to work and challange people to eat them (aka "The Hot Pepper Challange").
imaguitargod said:
In my book, there is no such thing as an "ornimental pepper", lol. I dry my peppers for later use, powder them for seasonings/Dave's Zesty Blend, make sauces and salsa, use fresh ones on various food and take the hottest ones to work and challange people to eat them (aka "The Hot Pepper Challange").

I've made a decent amount of lunch money here from doing that challenge....although, i've had my ass destroyed in the process!:lol:
Well, only my numex twilight has fruit at the moment. I either pluck em and add them to stirfries, etc, or munch on them as a snack, or I have about 3 dozen drying in the airing cupboard. I really fancy smoking some, and will get around to it one day.

All my other varieties are not yet bearing fruit... once they do, the plan is this:
Jalapenos and early jalapenos: I shall consume these exclusively, instead of any other foodstuff, until I have eaten them all.

Ring of fire, hidalgo: Not sure. Probably dry them. I would like to start making Salsas and sauces.

Ancho and Anaheim: They are due to be stuffed with... stuff (cheese, meat, salami, cous cous, humous) and eaten

Jamaican red mushroom: I shall eat one, then spend many years no doubt cowering in fear at the very sight of the plant. Perhaps occassionally cutting one open and rubbing it on the food gently.