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fermenting Vacuum bag ferment got too hot, trash it?

It didn't seem like I was getting much action in my last vacuum bag pepper mash ferment so I referred to my Noma guide to fermentation book which said that I may have better luck with slightly warmer temps (like 82-86f). Silly me thought putting my vacuum bags onto a heating pad (on low) would suffice as my house is pretty cold in the winter. All was good for the first day, but when I came home today, they were very warm, 106 according to the probe thermometer I placed under the bags. Did I kill all my good bacteria? Should I continue to ferment, turn into sauce or trash? Thanks in advance! -Dick
Just keep it and see what happens. If it puffs up then it's still alive. Note that all it takes is for a few lactobacilli to survive and multiply to get your fermentation going again and as long as you don't introduce air, the other nasties will be kept at bay. When you're finally done with it, check the pH before you eat it.