powder-flake Using pepper powders.

Are you asking about containers to store powders?  Just use any empty spice shaker bottles.   
Heck, if you have some awesome superhot powders, get some spices (Italian, garlic, whatever) from the Dollar Store, put the spices in something else and use the shaker bottles for your prized chile powders.  Be aware that some plastics may have a residual smell of the previous spice which may affect the chile powder.  Other herbs aren't as strong and won't leave any residual in the jars. 
New spice shaker bottles are available from places like Specialty Bottle, Freund, Container&Packaging....
Depends on how fine it's ground.
I've had some powders that turned aerosol. It made everyone around me miserable. I had to scoop it out very carefully with a utensil.
Others a little coarser were much easier to deal with. I like flake best.
We have shakers at home with different pepper powders in them depending on what people like, from orange Habs to Bhuts, to Morugas', etc. Don't grind them too fine because you can really hurt yourself if they plume up on you. Just don't breath in when you're pouring them haha.
If I'm headed out and want to take a little powder with me, I found a neat & inexpensive little travel shaker thing at the local Dan Beard Boy Scout's Store.
It's actually 3 or 4 cylindrical mini shakers (maybe 1") tall that stack & screw / thread together.
You get ~4 dispensers that assemble into a "stick" approx 4"-5" long. I think one or more of them is also split into 2 sections, allowing you to carry 2 x as many different types/varities.
For home use, I generally grind dried peppers into powder as needed or store extra in any glass spice containers i've kept.laying around.