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plant Unusual pepper from white ghost pepper plant.

First off, I want to say that I'm still unsure if the seeds I bought as "white ghost pepper" from Samenchilishop on Amazon are what they say or actually White habaneros. That said, I'm wondering if this certain pepper is a mutation or some kind of cross breed. Notice how it looks different than the other pods on the same plant. It has a scorpion tail and three "cheeks" around it. What do you folks think? Also, if anyone has an experience with samenchilishop, how was it?
pics: (the last pepper is the one i'm curious about.)

White bhuts don't look like their other counterparts. That said those look about what i'd expect from them. Most are more of a habanero shape.
Now there's also a much better more refined white bhut that's in circulation that looks more like you would expect from a red or yellow but i've only seen a few people growing them. 