Unknown Pod Identification


First off, let me say I am by no means the "chili authority"...but...over the years I have learned a few things...
The very first thing I learned is that if YOU don' t know what seeds you planted, there is absolutely no way in hell to know what pods you are going to end up with...
I see multiple post's saying, well from the looks of it, it is this or it is that...guessing is all fine and good, but that's all it is....guessing...
without proper DNA testing, you just can't identify pods by the way they look...
if you have grown chili's for any amount of time you know that a single plant can produce several different pod shapes/sizes....and some look different during the seasonal changes...
To remedy the "I don't know what pod this is, can you identify it"...situation, I suggest only getting your seed from a responsible grower...
For my seedstock, I take photos of the pods I am saving seed from making dang sure they don't get mixed up....I only process one pod at a time so it is easy...
here is an example...this is my seedstock for 2015...and if you notice, I don't call a pod any name other than the standard name of the variety...i.e. Trinidad Scorpion, Yellow Scorpion, 7 Pot, yellow 7 Pot...etc...

my rant (if you want to call it that) over....off my soapbox now....
Sweet man, love the organization. I have been taking pics of the pods before taking the seeds, but I like actually having them on the packet after seeing yours.
right but people who get mysteries from nonresponsible seed stock still may want to have a general idea what they are growing. We don't know for sure what the have but at least we can help give them idea.
Also with genetic variation / mutation you could use responsible seed practices and still have different looking pods.  :rolleyes: it is nice to include the pod pictures though so you know if it is a mutation.
that's cool juanitos...I will just stay out of the unknown pod identification threads....no problemo...
if you get seeds from me, you can bet your sweet ass they will grow true....I try and not give seeds to people on the "experimental" strains I am working on...other than a very select few that I know their growing practices...
Hey AJ! Havent seen you on im a long while my friend. Nice lookin pods ya got there! You're absolutely 100% correct about the (no way to tell without testing.) All people can give is the looks like ID. Nice to see ya on here again!
AlabamaJack said:
that's cool juanitos...I will just stay out of the unknown pod identification threads....no problemo...
if you get seeds from me, you can bet your sweet ass they will grow true....I try and not give seeds to people on the "experimental" strains I am working on...other than a very select few that I know their growing practices...
lol i do get tired of the i  got **** off ebay blah blah, i got **** off amazon blah blah
Hey AJ
nice superhot collection 
top row Butch Ts with some change, deformation, cossring 
second row Barain strains, the last one on the right is also Butch T 
Last row, the first tow on the left are Trinidad scorpions, the yellow ones are Mourgas, and last one is Butch T 
PepperLover said:
Hey AJ
nice superhot collection 
top row Butch Ts with some change, deformation, cossring 
second row Barain strains, the last one on the right is also Butch T 
Last row, the first tow on the left are Trinidad scorpions, the yellow ones are Mourgas, and last one is Butch T 
lolol  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
megahot said:
Hey AJ! Havent seen you on im a long while my friend. Nice lookin pods ya got there! You're absolutely 100% correct about the (no way to tell without testing.) All people can give is the looks like ID. Nice to see ya on here again!
good to be here mega...and good to see you again....thank you for the compliments on the pods..they are from the 2012 season...
PepperLover said:
Hey AJ
nice superhot collection 
top row Butch Ts with some change, deformation, cossring 
second row Barain strains, the last one on the right is also Butch T 
Last row, the first tow on the left are Trinidad scorpions, the yellow ones are Mourgas, and last one is Butch T 
giggling here Judy....your guess is as good as mine on the pods...however, these are all pods from my original seedstock I got from Sara in 2008...