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pics Topsey turvy pics

Well heres my pic after a nice little harvest of cherry toms(my fav)Im building a tripod this weekend so my plant can get more sun..but eitherhoo heres my pic and progress..Anyone else have upside-down plants they want to share?
My best upside down planter was my chinese 5 color but the wind and rain broke my macrame hanger and snapped over half the plant. Hopefully it will still grow back nicely.
love those little toms...

I finally got my topsy turvys but have not planted anything in them yet and probably will just wait until next season to use them....
giggling here...that looks like some of my 'maters'
No real advantage other than laziness. I just didn't stake it early enough to toughen the stalk so I decided to just try the hanging basket approach. These also are a determinate variety so they won't produce too much longer and I don't want to put to much more effort into them.

Here's one that was staked early and in a bigger pot
The plants look great guys!

I can't get over how well my Fatalii's doing in the upside down container. I think it's actually growing faster because of it's unique outlook on life.