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Top 10 hottest peppers - Help needed

My friend has this fantasy to collect the worlds top 10 hottest peppers.
Dehydrate them, put them in mason jars, label them and display them in his home office on a shelf that he calls 'The Rack of Pain'.
He asked my help in getting him those peppers. 
I had Reapers, ghost peppers and 7Pot Primo at hand. I promised him that I would get him the rest from my friends.
I asked him for the list of what he thought were the top 10 and he said he had no clue. we started looking on websites but there lies the issue.
Different websites had different lists though most of them had Reaper at the top (Except one that had 'Dragons Breath' at top).
Though their positions vary, ghost pepper, trinidad moruga scorpion, douglah, 7pot primos are commom in these lists.
There are some peppers like 7 Pot Barrackpore which is missing from other lists. Similar is the case with  Red Savina Habanero and Komodo dragon.
So my question is, what do you think are your top 10 hottest peppers?
Please post your list so that I can consolidate and then arrive at top 10 peppers that most of us agree.
BTW I know that many of these peppers have color variants that vary in hotness and could be part of the list. But I am just looking at the pure varieties not their color variants.
Starting point:
Carolina Reaper​
Dragons Breath​
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion​
7 Pot Douglah​
7 Pot Primo​
Trinidad Scorpion “Butch T”​
Naga Viper​
Ghost Pepper (Bhut Jolokia)​
7 Pot Barrackpore​
7 Pot Red (Giant)​
Red Savina Habanero​
Komodo Dragon​
7 Pot Brain Strain​
Dorset Naga​
Naga Morich​
Infiniti chili​
7 Pot Jonah​
I really like that idea. Pretty cool. Deciding on the top 10 will be difficult. Your list is missing the chocolate bhutlah though. I've eaten a whole carolina reaper and it was pretty painful but not chocolate bhutlah painful..
moruga welder said:
Theres some hotter ones out there , they just haven't been tested , like B.T.R. ,  Nagareaper ( choc. ) King B.o.c. beats out red saving hands down . 
Theres more , the peeps will chime in with more ,     :party:

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Edmick said:
I really like that idea. Pretty cool. Deciding on the top 10 will be difficult. Your list is missing the chocolate bhutlah though. I've eaten a whole carolina reaper and it was pretty painful but not chocolate bhutlah painful..
Thanks Edmick. I am exactly looking for such personal experiences.

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As others mentioned there are many peppers
that are very hot, that have not been tested.
And a carolina reaper grown by one person
might not be as hot as the same pepper variety grown by another grower.
Since you will find no official listing,
and this is for display,
a fantasy piece.
My suggestion,
pick the 10 coolest super hot pepper names
and go from there.
Probably make your friend the happiest in the end.
We'll keep it our little secret  :)
Have fun 
Well, this is kind of a fun idea.  :)  I have a few suggestions to consider for your list:
1. Judy's Brown Moruga. I think this might be the hottest variety that I have tried. 
2. Primotalii. Johnny Scoville said that this may be the hottest pepper that he has tried, and that guy has eaten a lot of different superhots on camera, including the Brown Moruga.
3. CP115. A Butch T Scorpion x Douglah cross from Christopher Phillips. By all accounts this thing is a beast. I haven't tried it yet myself; maybe someone who has will chime in.
IMO, there are a few that you could probably cut from your initial list:
Dragon's Breath
Komodo Dragon
Naga Viper
Bhut Jolokia
Red Savina
Dorset Naga
Naga Morich
Dragon's Breath appears to have just been a hype train, and the claims for it were never backed up with verified HPLC test results. AJ Drew grew it out, and felt that it was not as hot as the Reaper and other high-end supers: http://www.peppersbymail.com/product/dragons-breath-seeds-for-sale/
Komodo Dragon. I tried it and was not impressed. Not even a little bit.
The other six are "old-school" varieties that seem to have been surpassed in the capsaicin arms race. They are probably not in the top 10 for heat in 2019, IMO.
saiias said:
Different websites had different lists though most of them had Reaper at the top
I'm not surprised, since any "top 10 hottest pepper" list is at best an opinion. The Reaper is kind of a gimme to be on these lists, being the current Guinness titleholder, but many of these newer superhots don't seem to have been HPLC tested, or if they have the numbers haven't been publicized. A definitive, indisputable 1-10 ranking of the hottest peppers isn't really possible without the test numbers to back it up.
Alternatively, making a display with all of the Guinness "World's Hottest" titleholders would be much more straightforward, and would cut out all the opinions and guesswork. In chronological order they are: Red Savina Habanero, Bhut Jolokia, Infinity, Naga Viper, Butch T Scorpion, and Reaper. Just a thought.
don't forget about;
I think any list has to start with the Habanero.  Just to give credit to the 8500 year old, Grandfather of heat
The name's are the best part!!  :cheers:  
Hurt Berry
BlackFatalii said:
My vote for the superhot with the coolest name: the Hurt Berry.  :D
HungryJack, on 11 Oct 2019 - 11:53 PM, said:
HungryJack said:
My suggestion,
pick the 10 coolest super hot pepper names
and go from there.
Watch Peter Stanley munch some pods on Youtube. If it makes him sweat wellllll...its probably damn hot. Ive tried CCN Reaper, CCN Dragons Breath and CARDI red Scorpions back to back and could not tell any difference really. All were hotter than anything ive tasted before. Trents Big Brown Bhuts from old Pepperlover seed stock were flaming hot too but the burn was different. More sharp painful in a way.
CaneDog said:
Might be cool to show the chronology of the superhot (> 1MM) record holders and then finish it off with 4 current superhot contenders.  Would include varieties outside the current top ten, but might make a good conversation piece.
1. Bhut Jolokia, 2. Infinity, 3. Naga Viper, 4. Butch T, 5. Moruga Scorpion, 6.  Reaper, & 7, 8, 9, 10...
Like this idea.. But where would I get the 7,8,9,10 lol..

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saiias said:
Like this idea.. But where would I get the 7,8,9,10 lol..

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I knew I was begging that question when I wrote that and you called me on it!  :)
I'd go with the coolest names among the contenders and be sure to include a brown.  I'm happy send you a 7 pot brainstrain pod (red) from the original strain if that helps.  Not growing anything else this year worthy of your list that you don't already have.