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Too leggy?

I'm still way new at all this, so would be grateful of your experience, guys and girls.

This is my propagation tray, containing (from front to back) Jalapeno, early Jalapeno, ancho, and then a few odds and sods (the other tray in the background has the hotter stuff: Hidalgo, Ring Of Fire, Jamaican Red Mushroom and... um... anaheim).

ANYWAY.... these have been in here now for about 2 weeks or so. Do they look too leggy to you? I know I can submerge them a bit when I come to pot on, take the soil up to the seed leaves, but just wondered if these looked OK to you lot.



Thanks for the swift response. I am growing indoors as it's just turned a bit chilly here now. When it's sunny, I take the lid off the propagator for a while and give them some direct light/ heat, but on the whole I leave them in a bright, indirectly lit area with the lid on.

I thought they would be OK, but I'm quite keen to make sure they're alright. I'm sure you know the feeling. Don't have room/ money for a greenhouse at the moment :clap:
Ah, there you go. I'm looking at about double that height then. Grand.

I've got to say, this is great. I've joined another forum where no one answers threads unless they're posted by a veteran poster. Not good. This is much better.

Now, while I've got your attention, here's another issue for a newb like me: where to pluck the peppers from?


You can see 4 arrows I've drawn on. Basically: Am I plucking in the right place? Looking at the three arrows on the left (that don't seem to be pointing to anything in particular), they are pointing to areas where I have previously harvested, and you can see a circular brown area where a chili stem used to be.

The arrow pointing at the chili points to the area where I normally pluck from. I found that if I plucked along the length of the stem, then I was left with a stump that nothing would grow out of, so it was better to take the whole stem off to the nearest branch junction.

Is this right, or should I be doing something else? I presume that the general principle will apply to all chilli plants, as they all have stems?
I like to cut my peppers off with scissors except for tepins and pequin which pull off easily. I've destroyed a lot of plants by plucking peppers off quickly so I try to have patience but its difficult.
I like to cut my peppers off with scissors except for tepins and pequin which pull off easily. I've destroyed a lot of plants by plucking peppers off quickly so I try to have patience but its difficult.
I always use a bomb squad movie style wire cutter. Nice and small, very manouverable and offcoarse sharp! As for the seedlings, do you ventilate your propagator when the lid is on? As I always understoud too moist is great for fungusses but not that great for pepper seedlings. I could be wrong as I'm not an expert though.
Greetings Remi
Actually, remos, you're probably spot on. I don't ventilate when the lid is on... I think I might start propping it up at one end or something, let a little air in. I've had two shoots where the seed leaves have not been able to shed the seed, and it's gone mouldy. Not ideally, clearly. tried to scarify or gently remove the seeds in those cases, but to no avail.
Still... 2 our of 72 ain't bad.
Once they are well rooted they shouldn't need the lid but slowly acclimatize them, no sudden changes.

I usually remove the lid as soon as any seedlings submerge. So far it seemed to work for me. But I guess acclimmatize them wouldn't hurt either!
imaguitargod said:
Ahhh...the Purira! One of my favorites!

I'm growing 2 purira plants too, and I can tell why it's one of you're favorites! Nice heat, nice flavour, not much not too like