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Tonight's idea

I have super chilis, pequins, and a few various others (chipotle, ancho, etc.)
Anybody have any ideas?
I'm thinking of doing a pequin sauce with a couple of super chilis to give it an upfront blast then settle off with the pequins...
Sounds nice. I think a mix of many peppers would go well with cranberries to add a hint of sweet and tartness. Just an idea.
I've done a similar sauce with pequins, fresno and habanero. Sadly the flavor of the pequins was trampled under foot. Pequin heat is up front but fades rather quickly which is why even milder habaneros just bury it. Perhaps you will fare better. Good luck.

Salute', TB.
Had a feeling I was going to have to use a lot more pequins than anything else to keep the flavor from getting buried. Thanks for the heads up TB. The cranberry idea sounds great too, but I've been drinking too much Rogue to get to the store and hunt them down tonight...