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contest Throwdown Throne

Wow, ....I'm a bit amazed, dazed and food crazed right know!
It's been a long weekend, and the 2 days seemed like an "Eternity". I started out slow out of the gates with the votes and had a small lead throughout. I figured I'l get
"Egg washed, Cornmealed, And Deep Fried"....down the stretch.
Anyways, I like to thank all the people who voted for me the contestants, some I'm familar with (Buddy, Gold, Mj) from the growers side of this and those others who reached out who may not know who the heck I am.....I like to share the " 12yr old Crown Royal " that I won...............I did didn't I?................ :eek: ............haha

Seriously, I'd like to dedicate this victory to the folks at the "Grower's Forums" ...for the support and encouragement and more support, clever support.....you know who you guys are.....thanks!!!........

That's where I hang, ...I do occasionally check out the "Firery Foods" section to see whats new, but growings my thing.

There was some tough competition, and I see that a certain group of you voted for a certain dish/person.......cool Maybe we can have a "Mexican Throwndown" someday, and I can swing some of your votes my way!......probably not, but it's worth the effort.

Well no smack talk from me........But, I like to comment on the participants dishes........I did check them out,.....really!
First there were so many good and interesting looking dishes......it probably made it difficult to vote for some.

1)..MGOLD86...Chichen with "doctored" Greens, Eggs, etc, plus Cobbler to boot....delish! Looked like a winner off the bat. Now I can see why all the early smack talk was happening. I was wondering what the "Secret Ingredient" would be...Perhaps some exotic spice smuggled through customs....But the secret turned out to be your recipe
all along......nice job!

2) mjdiamond83...Iliked the direction you took with your dish.I may have gone with flank steak though, but the side of rice looked like what I'd see in an upscale resturant, nice job and I bet your dish tasted great....you deserved many more votes!

3)..salsalady...You had me wondering when I first saw your "IronPan" collection...Your dish read well and I bet tasted good, but the plating was a bit confusing looking,
Possibly a dinner platter would have been more appropriate for the visual effect., The waffle looked smothered.......I do like waffles and they do have their place on a plate,
But a few times prior you did advertise the gear (iron) why not show the wheel (waffle) ?

4)..weebz...I'm a big fan of shellfish. Ilike your idea and if this was an appetizer TD then you would have my vote!.......shrimp poppers for me this weekend

5)..buddy...Your plate looked great! The steak was done just how I like it and the roasted veg reminds me of the summer. I bet your family was happy to try some of that plating! Good deal with the cobbler........Haagen-Dazs...?.............yum!

6)..Ela...Wow, when I saw that "Artesian" style round I thought ......Ah-Oh!...... What a beautiful loaf!..........I can see it wasn't done in clay and it had that high temp high hydration, icky-sticky dough look to it........nice.
Beautiful plating, that would claim big bucks in a nice resturant!.........you deserved more votes!

7)..JayT...Nice ingredient list for the pie...and I do appreciate a good pizza. I don't care what Seths says about your pizza.....if he's Serious.......or not. I like the way it looks and a good crust from the cast iron.....I bet that was tasty!

8)..ZanderSpice...I see your ingredient list and part of your process but I didn't see any plating photos........some how I missed them.....the process looked good though

9)..Scoville...I'll try to keep this short. A lot of good things could be said. I also make that dish, but with a different cut of meat. Your idea and plating is spec on bro!
Marinading is a must. Some people do a papaya juice dunk the first day, drain and hit it with wine the 2nd. Me, I'm all about the wine marinade. Your dish looked delicious!
And I do agree your house probably did smell like Julia Childs home with (Jacques Pepin and his glass of wine) in the back ground......haha
Nice job with the plating!
You should have gotten many more votes.......but one less then me!............ha

10)..geeme...I figured there would be a few corn bread dishes so I stayed away from that......but you can't go wrong with it as a side, and cast iron does it justice.
Blackened Catfish sounds and looks delish.....the beans thru me though...........that's just me ....I'd prefer them with a hardy meat dish

11)..SumOfMyBits...I dig those pineapple wraps.....you'd have to pry me away from the pan. I bet those wings tasted great! Crab cakes are a favorite of mine, although when you said a small can of crab meat I new it wasn't "Lump Crab" which makes a world of difference. You also derserved more votes .

12)..DaQatz..I liked your idea, I would have liked to see more greens left on the chard and a bit more char/crust on the "Hommie's"
But that chicken looks outstanding! I'm going to try that glaze next time I make it. .

Who did I miss.................yea right!
(unlucky 13)

13)..LunchBox...nice race to the finish! Your Enchiladas look like they came from a gourmet Mexican resturant......nice plating! I like the look of the "Pico" ....no runny juices
and you put the perfect amount of toppings on the tortilla's . By no means was it smothered and it shouldn't be. I know that dish was tasty, When there's a "Mexican" TD
I'll have to watch out for you! I might have to make some "Mole Mania" to compete with you, nice job it this was alot of fun...congrats on the competition and the vote


Oh one more thing, that Saturday morning "cartoon" where the "Tortise beats the Hare"......................... it didn't happen.....................lol

thanks again,

Congrats Greg!

But you are wrong about the crab meat I used... it was "fancy lump". It came in chunks, not a cake of flakes.

I get what you meant to say though... I should have used fresh crab.

It still would have tasted the same.
Congrats Greg, you definitely deserve it. That burger has had me craving one all week. I can't wait for the next one! Oh, and the smack talk will begin shortly....
Congrats Greg!

But you are wrong about the crab meat I used... it was "fancy lump". It came in chunks, not a cake of flakes.

I get what you meant to say though... I should have used fresh crab.

It still would have tasted the same.

No problem...Here at the fish markets there's usually 3 types or grades of can crab...the small is a combo of claws and other parts, the mid has some Lump and the larger is premium
Lump Crab meat at about $20+ per can, that's the good stuff...


Congrats Greg, you definitely deserve it. That burger has had me craving one all week. I can't wait for the next one! Oh, and the smack talk will begin shortly....

I'm sure it will...like a Clint Eastwood movie "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly"

That was a heck of a good contest. Greg, your attention to detail of every component really rocks.

Congrats and thanks to all, I picked up a LOT of ideas of how to use CI. This thread (and SalsaLady) inspired my rescue of an old pan, turns out to be from my college days xx years ago. Has markings "SK" on the back which I researched and found to be a Lodge from the 70s, and has the machined cooking bottom. I am now weaponizing it.

And have plenty of recipes.... :cool:
Congadulations Pic1. Way to go!
Yes, like Siliman said, your attention to detail is remarkable. You will be the one to beat in every TD you enter.
Thanks for your comments about my dish, I dunno what posessed me to do Frenchie style on a superbowl w.e. but C'est la Vie....
Im afraid there wont be a Mexican TD for some time... We just had one that I lost to SumBitz a few months ago with, a platter of Molé, Tacos, Fajitas, Rellenos, Habanero poppers, Jalapeño bottlecaps, Salsa Pico de gallo, rice and beans. Tough loss.... Damm banana leaves...

Sorry to Lunch Box, (and all else), but, there can be only one. Hopefully, it dives you harder for the next one!

At least I beat wheebz, thanks again Gumbii!
2) mjdiamond83...Iliked the direction you took with your dish.I may have gone with flank steak though, but the side of rice looked like what I'd see in an upscale resturant, nice job and I bet your dish tasted great....you deserved many more votes!


Thanks Greg! The grocery store didn't have flank steak, which was what I wanted to use.
Congrats on your win, that bun and burger were complete perfection!
Come on- Piri piri throw down next- call it TD part a dieux!!

Great idea...Bootsieb!, There's many different directions and possibilities available
with the "Bird's"


That was a heck of a good contest. Greg, your attention to detail of every component really rocks.

Congrats and thanks to all, I picked up a LOT of ideas of how to use CI. This thread (and SalsaLady) inspired my rescue of an old pan, turns out to be from my college days xx years ago. Has markings "SK" on the back which I researched and found to be a Lodge from the 70s, and has the machined cooking bottom. I am now weaponizing it.

And have plenty of recipes.... :cool:

Thanks Sil, ......alot


Congadulations Pic1. Way to go!
Yes, like Siliman said, your attention to detail is remarkable. You will be the one to beat in every TD you enter.
Thanks for your comments about my dish, I dunno what posessed me to do Frenchie style on a superbowl w.e. but C'est la Vie....
Im afraid there wont be a Mexican TD for some time... We just had one that I lost to SumBitz a few months ago with, a platter of Molé, Tacos, Fajitas, Rellenos, Habanero poppers, Jalapeño bottlecaps, Salsa Pico de gallo, rice and beans. Tough loss.... Damm banana leaves...

Sorry to Lunch Box, (and all else), but, there can be only one. Hopefully, it dives you

harder for the next one!

At least I beat wheebz, thanks again Gumbii!

Thanks Scov,
Your meal goes well on a cold evening in the winter or an air conditioned house in the summer, either way that dish is on menu's here in some of the elite resturants
Bravo to you for making with the "Cast"


gratz pic1,,

Thanks sicman,

Bison just has that great taste to it!


Thanks Greg! The grocery store didn't have flank steak, which was what I wanted to use.
Congrats on your win, that bun and burger were complete perfection!

Thanks mj,

You prepared a nice hardy meal, that's the type of dinner that I crave for when I'm really hungry!

Wow, ....I'm a bit amazed, dazed and food crazed right know!
It's been a long weekend, and the 2 days seemed like an "Eternity". I started out slow out of the gates with the votes and had a small lead throughout. I figured I'l get
"Egg washed, Cornmealed, And Deep Fried"....down the stretch.
Anyways, I like to thank all the people who voted for me the contestants, some I'm familar with (Buddy, Gold, Mj) from the growers side of this and those others who reached out who may not know who the heck I am.....I like to share the " 12yr old Crown Royal " that I won...............I did didn't I?................ :eek: ............haha

Seriously, I'd like to dedicate this victory to the folks at the "Grower's Forums" ...for the support and encouragement and more support, clever support.....you know who you guys are.....thanks!!!........

That's where I hang, ...I do occasionally check out the "Firery Foods" section to see whats new, but growings my thing.

There was some tough competition, and I see that a certain group of you voted for a certain dish/person.......cool Maybe we can have a "Mexican Throwndown" someday, and I can swing some of your votes my way!......probably not, but it's worth the effort.

Well no smack talk from me........But, I like to comment on the participants dishes........I did check them out,.....really!
First there were so many good and interesting looking dishes......it probably made it difficult to vote for some.

1)..MGOLD86...Chichen with "doctored" Greens, Eggs, etc, plus Cobbler to boot....delish! Looked like a winner off the bat. Now I can see why all the early smack talk was happening. I was wondering what the "Secret Ingredient" would be...Perhaps some exotic spice smuggled through customs....But the secret turned out to be your recipe
all along......nice job!

2) mjdiamond83...Iliked the direction you took with your dish.I may have gone with flank steak though, but the side of rice looked like what I'd see in an upscale resturant, nice job and I bet your dish tasted great....you deserved many more votes!

3)..salsalady...You had me wondering when I first saw your "IronPan" collection...Your dish read well and I bet tasted good, but the plating was a bit confusing looking,
Possibly a dinner platter would have been more appropriate for the visual effect., The waffle looked smothered.......I do like waffles and they do have their place on a plate,
But a few times prior you did advertise the gear (iron) why not show the wheel (waffle) ?

4)..weebz...I'm a big fan of shellfish. Ilike your idea and if this was an appetizer TD then you would have my vote!.......shrimp poppers for me this weekend

5)..buddy...Your plate looked great! The steak was done just how I like it and the roasted veg reminds me of the summer. I bet your family was happy to try some of that plating! Good deal with the cobbler........Haagen-Dazs...?.............yum!

6)..Ela...Wow, when I saw that "Artesian" style round I thought ......Ah-Oh!...... What a beautiful loaf!..........I can see it wasn't done in clay and it had that high temp high hydration, icky-sticky dough look to it........nice.
Beautiful plating, that would claim big bucks in a nice resturant!.........you deserved more votes!

7)..JayT...Nice ingredient list for the pie...and I do appreciate a good pizza. I don't care what Seths says about your pizza.....if he's Serious.......or not. I like the way it looks and a good crust from the cast iron.....I bet that was tasty!

8)..ZanderSpice...I see your ingredient list and part of your process but I didn't see any plating photos........some how I missed them.....the process looked good though

9)..Scoville...I'll try to keep this short. A lot of good things could be said. I also make that dish, but with a different cut of meat. Your idea and plating is spec on bro!
Marinading is a must. Some people do a papaya juice dunk the first day, drain and hit it with wine the 2nd. Me, I'm all about the wine marinade. Your dish looked delicious!
And I do agree your house probably did smell like Julia Childs home with (Jacques Pepin and his glass of wine) in the back ground......haha
Nice job with the plating!
You should have gotten many more votes.......but one less then me!............ha

10)..geeme...I figured there would be a few corn bread dishes so I stayed away from that......but you can't go wrong with it as a side, and cast iron does it justice.
Blackened Catfish sounds and looks delish.....the beans thru me though...........that's just me ....I'd prefer them with a hardy meat dish

11)..SumOfMyBits...I dig those pineapple wraps.....you'd have to pry me away from the pan. I bet those wings tasted great! Crab cakes are a favorite of mine, although when you said a small can of crab meat I new it wasn't "Lump Crab" which makes a world of difference. You also derserved more votes .

12)..DaQatz..I liked your idea, I would have liked to see more greens left on the chard and a bit more char/crust on the "Hommie's"
But that chicken looks outstanding! I'm going to try that glaze next time I make it. .

Who did I miss.................yea right!
(unlucky 13)

13)..LunchBox...nice race to the finish! Your Enchiladas look like they came from a gourmet Mexican resturant......nice plating! I like the look of the "Pico" ....no runny juices
and you put the perfect amount of toppings on the tortilla's . By no means was it smothered and it shouldn't be. I know that dish was tasty, When there's a "Mexican" TD
I'll have to watch out for you! I might have to make some "Mole Mania" to compete with you, nice job it this was alot of fun...congrats on the competition and the vote


Oh one more thing, that Saturday morning "cartoon" where the "Tortise beats the Hare"......................... it didn't happen.....................lol

thanks again,


Congrats Greg…. :cheers: Yours and everybody else’s cooking have been my big inspiration. I have learned so much from all of you. :)
SumOfMyBits wins the African TD, in an epic battle against MGOLD86.

A tie after 48 hours, and then a Showdown, ending in a tie after 48 hours, with the sudden death tie breaking vote going to SumOfMyBits.

Honorable Mention definitely goes to MGOLD86! But the crown goes to Sum is perhaps the best battle fought by a member yet! And his 3rd.

How's that for your triple crown victory Sum?