favorite THP Favorites!

Hey everybody. I intend on growing some hot peppers this coming year (and opening a business sometime after that). I wanted to grow some of the forum favorites. If you have a favorite, just let me know, and I will try to grow it.
cayenne, Datil,aji lemon, Chocolate hab to name a few. But if you are looking to make some cash selling pods people prefer superhots. So you will get mixed opinions.
Of all the peppers I tried this year I thought the indian peppers had the best flavor (bhut jolokia indian carbon, bombay morich, dorset naga all tasted pretty close to the same to me). I thought the chocolate habaneros were real good too.
I agree that the superhots are well liked. I have the following growing right now: orange hab, red savina hab, chocolate hab, tepin pepper, yellow fatalii, bhut jolokia, trinidad scorpion "BT", and thai dragon.
  • Bhut Jolokia
  • 7-Pot Jonah
  • Pimenta de Neyde
  • Fatalii
  • Caribbean Red
  • Aribibi Gusano
  • Bulgarian Carrot
  • African Birdseye
  • Jalapeño
  • Anaheim

I guess I could have come up with more varieties, but I'm too tired to think straight.
I agree that the superhots are well liked. I have the following growing right now: orange hab, red savina hab, chocolate hab, tepin pepper, yellow fatalii, bhut jolokia, trinidad scorpion "BT", and thai dragon.

Nice lookin list!
It's good to have a range of heat and colors in my opinion.
I love supers but sometimes I just want a cayenne or thai dragon in a recipe. Then again if you don't want people coming over to your house for big get togethers around the holiday season you can always add supers to everything you cooked, they're sure to have the gathering at someone elses place next year :lol:

Colors are great too, orange,yellow,red,chocolate's all seem to be in there own department of flavor no matter what the variety is.

One worth trying if you have room is Ajijoes Peach Bhut. Tastes amazing.

Keep us posted!
If you could manage to grow red rocotos and canarios in large quantities you might be in good shape. You would probably need a fancy temperature controlled greenhouse to succeed with that though. Superhots are what is in though, so you probably couldn't go wrong with them, at least right now.
I would agree with quite a few from above. I really love the red rocotto, biker billy jalapeno, brain strain, yellow 7 pot, all bhut jolokias (especially in asian dishes), butch t's, aji limon, big jim, and probably my overall favorite the caribbean red hab. But, with that said, variety is the spice of life. The only pepper that I have met and not cared for was the douglah.
Ok..I have gotten an idea of what people like, and that people prefer a good amount of color as well. I will be doing the following seven:
1. Orange Habanero
2. Chocolate Habanero
3. Yellow Trinidad Scorpion
4. Aji Lemon Drop
5. Caribbean Red Habanero
6. Red Rocoto Pepper
7. White Bhut Jolokia

Should give me a good amount of heat, and color. Thanks everyone.
I don't see Fatalli on that list! #8 maybe?
Have fun with the white bhut, you can make a killing on the seeds! LOL!
datils are my favorite for taste. fatalli is yummy too but a bit hotter than i can do on a regular basis. caribbean red is the pick of the hab litter. bhuts and scorpions are fun. serranos are indispensable for mexican food at my house. i use a lot of anaheims too... oh hell, just grow them all...