chinense Thorns on caribbean red habanero pod?

Most of the pods have smooth surface. But this, seems like not normal to me.
ajdrew said:
Never seen them on habs but people love them on other pods.  It seems the scarier the better.  Grow those seeds!
That's the thing with chillies, most people look for the shock factor, not the flavour.
alkhall said:
I have not had spikes on a Habanero, but have Bhuts and others.
A Yellow 7-Pot cross pod from last season:


Friend, nice looking pods. Did all the pods have spikes? What percentage?
Try to stabilize it.
Lovepeppers said:
Friend, nice looking pods. Did all the pods have spikes? What percentage?
Try to stabilize it.
No, only few had spikes. As I recall, this plant produced two, maybe three hundred pods. There were maybe a dozen pods that each had a handful of spikes, but no other pods had as many as the one pictured. (All three pics are of the same pod, just different views).
I am growing out one plant this year from saved seed. Hoping it makes spiky pods.