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This Sucks

I have been waiting for a naga plant and some peppers from England and stupid ass customs US dept of Agriculture. Intercepted them all i got was any empty box and letter any suggestions:hell:
That blows. I used to get that every now and then when i'd order a case of absinthe from Europe. Honestly, i don't think theres much you can do except many try to order them again. I'd also be willing to bet that all this craziness going down in London with this current terrorism threat didn't help one bit, either.
What about sending seeds from Canada? How should I package for best results? Sorry about you Nagas Naganero, I want to make sure my seeds get to you.
potawie i wrote a letter to us dept of agriculture request laws and guidelines for importation of seeds. Its seems according to there web site that it has to be properly labeled as a known species that is acceptable for import but I am waiting for the to reply back to email the say within 5 business days. I will then share info with all
naganero said:
No what was taken is gone and that was aplant and some pods, but you dont think they will allow seeds?Why?
No, I think they will allow some seeds. I know for a fact that you can't ship most carnivorous plant seeds without a special licence(that is, ship from out of the country to the US).
I had no problem getting my naga's from muso shipped out of canada. Might want to give him a try. dried pods of course, no plants.
I only had this done to me once. I learned from that. If I am not on location to get some seeds to bring home I make contacts with someone in the home country for sales source. Then, explain my situation, send them a M.O. and have them buy it and mail it to me via regular mail. So far, over 18 years, no problems. Just a thought that may work for you. Sorry about the confiscation.
P_Schneider said:
I had no problem getting my naga's from muso shipped out of canada. Might want to give him a try. dried pods of course, no plants.

Finally got them huh Paul..... LOL!! Still sorry they took so long. Everything has been getting hung up in the mail. Hey, from what I have been hearing, a lot of my packages are being opened, and that could be the delay. I don't think I'm tagged, my packages are pretty generic. But then again, what I send across the border, I'm surprised I haven't had a friendly visit yet, let alone confiscation. Little vials of black tar-like substances mailed with smaller vials of white crystaline substances......... Hmmmmmmm...... Throw in a little redish powder every once in awhile.... I still feel bad for the b*stard at customs that decides he's gonna be the chief that opens the package and takes a good snort of whatever is in there..... :hell:
Muso2112 said:
Finally got them huh Paul..... LOL!! Still sorry they took so long. Everything has been getting hung up in the mail. Hey, from what I have been hearing, a lot of my packages are being opened, and that could be the delay. I don't think I'm tagged, my packages are pretty generic. But then again, what I send across the border, I'm surprised I haven't had a friendly visit yet, let alone confiscation. Little vials of black tar-like substances mailed with smaller vials of white crystaline substances......... Hmmmmmmm...... Throw in a little redish powder every once in awhile.... I still feel bad for the b*stard at customs that decides he's gonna be the chief that opens the package and takes a good snort of whatever is in there..... :mouthonfire:

It was all good for me Muso. Package arrived unopened.
just an update still never heard back from dept. of agri.but have been told from friends hear and at home that seeds sent over will come through. in an envolpe plainly marked and it seems from canada there is no problem at all.
Some of it is in the "writing" on the customs "form". Or better send it WITHOUT their stinking form. You dont need customs form for normal mail. But looks like you got your seeds. Good.
bluelytes said:
Some of it is in the "writing" on the customs "form". Or better send it WITHOUT their stinking form. You dont need customs form for normal mail. But looks like you got your seeds. Good.

My opinion is, as long as you don't make it look suspicious in some way, it seems unliky that they will open the envelope to take a look inside, if so they must be opening thousands and thousands of envelopes per day, they could hire an entire envelope opening team, wich seems like just a lot of wasted time.

And I think such a form would only make an envelope more suspicious and more likely to be picked out and opened. I've received seeds from the states several times in just envelopes with a stamp and an address. And I'm glad my seeds made it to orange county the same way!

Sending plants however, can be much more difficult. I live in The Netherlands and sending live plants to The Netherlands is prohibited without a licence. And to settle for a dead plant is't the solution eather I guess.:clap:
Hi naganero,

Im sorry to here about your seed delivery problem. Im glad my friend Naga seeds managed to help you out::clap:.

Ive sent seeds to chileheads all over the world (from Botswanna to Australia) with no problems at all. They have even made it to the US. If you send seeds in a small plastic/paper pouch placed inside a folded up letter (mind are inside germination instructions) or evn a birthday card you should have no problem at all.

If your really unlucky, some seeds may get subject to the dreaded post sorting rollers an be crushed but at least some should survive the journey.

If you want to swap any seeds in the future Im more than happy to help

All the best

Thanks Mark I planted me seeds a week ago and am waiting some what impatiently but glad to know that someone here knows Naga Seeds, great guy, and know I can also have faith that what I was sent were what he says the are.