The wasps are here!

Chow down, suckers!

Death is coming for you...  
Nice! I had aphid wasp eggs on a few of my plants last year (for the first time). I didn't know what the hell they were. Too bad I'm more of a "shoot first, ask questions later" guy. I freaked out, thinking it was some kind of fungus or something, and I ripped them all off and sprayed the shit out of my plants with fungicide. Oh well, lesson learned

Wow, a wasp that can f**k ya while giving you a kiss...I have no knowledge whatsoever. Then again, I've never had an aphid problem in my life.
Mealy bugs? O yeah.....
There is still nothing quite as effective for aphid control as a daily spray with the garden hose.
If you are diligent with the hose, you won't give critters a chance to settle in.  As much as I love my beneficial bugs, they won't keep up, 9 times out of 10. Or, when they do get it under control, they move on, and then aren't present when the next wave floats in.  So, keep your enthusiasm, but arm yourself with a good spray nozzle. ;)
We've had a ladybug infestation that started in December. I don't know what they're eating but I don't think it's aphids.
DWB said:
We've had a ladybug infestation that started in December. I don't know what they're eating but I don't think it's aphids.
Are you sure you haven't got an infestation of those nasty Asian biting ladybugs?
I imagine you know all ladybugs can bite? Although these around our property have flown on me many many times, none have bitten. We always have a few in the cars. One got on my arm when one of the dogs and I went to Pensacola yesterday. I hope they stay.
On the other hand, the yellow flies just arrived today. They cause horrible misery to some people with their painless bite. That's a useless and dangerous bug.
LOL @ your link. Good thing the population of dogs that dumb is so meager.
DWB said:
I imagine you know all ladybugs can bite? 
LOL @ your link. Good thing the population of dogs that dumb is so meager.
Of course I do know.  But I also know that most ladybugs DO NOT bite very often.  My father first told me of these ladybugs.  He has them where he lives, and not only CAN they bite, but they make a habit out of it.  So it's not really a matter of being semantic and paranoid.  The problem with these things is so bad in some areas, that people actually implement the use of exterminators to deal with them.  That statement alone should be worrying, because stupid people don't discriminate when killing things that they deem to be "nuisance".  In other words, exterminators will happily take your money to kill good ladybugs, along with bad ones.  Ask yourself what world we live in, that a ladybug is considered a pest... (clearly not an agrarian one)
I don't recall the article saying the dog was dumb.  The nature of the infestation, is that they look for someplace to cluster up, as a means of shelter, during cold weather.  I think that to say this only happens to dumb dogs, is like saying that only dumb people can get dysentery from eating or drinking in a foreign place.  (which isn't the case, I assure you)