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contest The Next Throwdown is...

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peer pressure

The Hot Pepper said:
The ham part is a joke right? lol just checking since you cook for a living. :D

Yeah, it was.  But I always thought it'd be a funny scenario, going to some weird, pretentious, avant garde burger place...and them actually taking it literally...a burger is a burger, but hamburger?  That's ground up bits of ham pattied up.  Cheeseburger?  Sorry, didn't know you wanted a burger patty also, because it's just a big puck of cheese on a bun.
sorry......dumb joke.
and, I just lost my job(long ridiculous story), so I actually don't cook for a living anymore.  And I'm going to try to keep it that way(if I can), so maybe I can actually get excited and passionate about food again...cook at home...maybe participate in these throwdowns, without feeling like I'm just working overtime.
grantmichaels said:
The only rule is that it's at least 50% beef, correct? ...
A double-burger or two single burgers, cheesed or not ... made of at least 50% ground beef in the grind/mince ...
I might use a non-meat ingredient in there ... like nuts or nut-flour or something ...
^^^ sputtering under the sheer combinatorics of so much freedom.
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