the hunt for 7 pod

would like to trade for some 7pod if any one ever finds a good lead. just a grower and would like to see what the hype all about
My guy suddenly stopped communicating about it. He is young, so he probably doesn't care... Oh well. I hope a good lead turns up, it would be a nice addition to my garden next year.
I do not have a pic of the plant just yet, it has been a little cold in FL recently and I think it affected the plant a little. I received the plant a couple days ago from my dad in NY. He had about four plants which he keeps in the attic where it is warm and well lit, he gave me two which I just brought to FL, so I just need a little while for it to resprout new branches/leaves.
Hi Guys,

Its amazing how many people want to get there hands on 7 pod and Trinidad Scorpion since we upgraded them from Extremely Hot to Nuclear in the chileman database :( :lol: :lol:

By the way, the TRUE 7 pod looks different to the pictures shown in the database. These seeds are unbelievbly rare but yet more and more people claim to have them (just like the Naga Morich which we brought to chileheads attention last year), hence why we have not posted the true 7 pod image.

If you genuinely believe you have 7 pod, post a picture to and I'll tell you whether you really have got your hands on the genuine article.

Mark :(
I have had many conversations with my mother, grandmother, aunt, father, uncles, etc. Some reside in New York and some reside in Trinidad (home of the 7 pot). The word is--it became rare because it is too hot for cooking. Because of this, people stopped using it and less people kept it around, hence, it became rare to have. My father--being a pepper fanatic has the plant and since I showed so much interest in it, he gave me two of his precious plants. Another thing which I found interesting was the name of the pepper--they called it "7 pot" not "7 pod". It got its name because the pepper was hot enough to make 7 pots of stew or curry. English is spoken in Trinidad, but due to the fact that it is "broken english", the word pot can be easily confused with pod. (I think that s what happened, I can be wrong)I do have a couple of the actual peppers, I will take a picture of it and send it to you. I must say though...everyone I spoke to said that the pepper has a "rough/pimply" exterior compared to all other peppers they were familiar with.
Any chance of a seed swop, i have been chasing this pepper for a while.
I have some scorpian to swop

If you have a true Trinidad 7 pod and Scorpion, why you are not posting the true pictures of Trinidad 7 pod and Scorpion pepper. Thank

i´m also looking for the 7 pod and the trinidad scorpion pepers. i would be very glad, if anybody could send me some seeds of this peppers or tell me a shop, where i can buy the seeds.

I'm growing both this year, just got to wait a few more weeks to make sure they are "true" I'll let you know and post pics when ready.
We are currently growing Trinidad Scorpion, 7 pod & Bhut Joalika and of the 3 Trinidad Scorpions seem to be the hottest of them. We also received the scorpion, 7 pod and bhut's from someone else and that seems to be the case also.
