hybrid The future of new crosses?

Curious to know what people think will happen now that new crosses are showing up more and more?  With Butch T and Pimo both offering their new crosses directly to we growers, I wonder if we aren't going to see more direct to consumer sales.  Seems like the only system that can support developers.
I would like to ask Primo to ship his seed to Croatia :D and would gladly pay for his BBM.

I think that is great to cut out SOME of the "middle man" for sure.
I have BBM from before they were released.  I think I might have maybe 25 seeds.  If you would like to trade, i would love to add a Croatian post mark to my collection.
@AJ Drew, thanks☺️

Back to the topic. I was thinking a little about it, from my perspective (living in a little country).

Lots of people have side jobs, it doesn't matter what they produce. Many of them sell indipendently via social networks, no need for some hub seller. It shouldn't be different for pepper strains.

I just think that in America it should be easier because of the bigger market, but I could be wrong.

I just hope it doesn't lead to selling crosses under f6.
mememe said:
@AJ Drew, thanks☺️

Back to the topic. I was thinking a little about it, from my perspective (living in a little country).

Lots of people have side jobs, it doesn't matter what they produce. Many of them sell indipendently via social networks, no need for some hub seller. It shouldn't be different for pepper strains.

I just think that in America it should be easier because of the bigger market, but I could be wrong.

I just hope it doesn't lead to selling crosses under f6.
It already led to that, unfortunately. People are already selling unstable crosses. I don't like it either, but it seems to be hype over quality these days. And that's not just with peppers, but things like phones too.
I think crossing and hybrids will be a thing with growers having the chance to get the best features whether it's the flavor/taste/heat with that of the color of the pod and texture to suit their own taste.
I love crossing peppers myself but the real problem is having so many peppers with different traits and having the same name. Saving seeds or trading seeds gets harder because of all the unstable crosses. It's hard enough keeping track of my own crosses but the more people involved the more confusing.
Peppermafia said:
I love crossing peppers myself but the real problem is having so many peppers with different traits and having the same name. Saving seeds or trading seeds gets harder because of all the unstable crosses. It's hard enough keeping track of my own crosses but the more people involved the more confusing.
Ye, it is fun and all but it does get maddening at times.  I wonder if that is not one of the things that drives us.  If everything went right all the time, would there be much thrill when something goes right?  Sometimes I hit on that perfect shape and just sort of stair at it and think wow... I did that.  OK, its not all that often but it does happen.
