chinense The Bih Jolokia Story

Just thought of something else for these light green pods.
It is the green in the pod combined with red that gives the brown. So an unripe light green pod should give a different brown ripe pod, than the dark green unripe pod.
Do you have any ripe brown(ish) pods that are light green when not ripe ? If not here is an obvious candidate for a cross with some brown variety !!!
HAJ said:
Just thought of something else for these light green pods.
It is the green in the pod combined with red that gives the brown. So an unripe light green pod should give a different brown ripe pod, than the dark green unripe pod.
Do you have any ripe brown(ish) pods that are light green when not ripe ? If not here is an obvious candidate for a cross with some brown variety !!!
Hmm... It's too late this season, but I will make some crosses with it in 2014...
This page is in need of some eye candy.  Ripening pale bhut:
This is a very interesting question. Here are my pale ones that came out of the same seed stock for bhut jolokias from refining fire chilis


I have read that the bih Jolokia are genetically different from the bhuts. I'll have to find that source.
Okay, I'm now reasonably sure that "Assam Bhut Jolokia" = "Bih Jolokia" (see the link in the first post for info. on the Bih).
My next question is whether the Naga King Jolokia is also a version of this pepper.  Pre-ripe paleness seems to be the main identifying characteristic.  I'll grow the Naga King this year to see how it looks.
Here's a pic from PeriPeri's grow:
Great thread, differences beetween bhuts/nagas are subtle.
Here's an interesting thread on an italian board you can translate:
It seems there is a second Bih version that is not pale green when immature...
Another interesting observation is that Bhut and Dorset tend to turn color from green to red gradually from the base while Bih and Morich turn color as whole when ripe.
The Naga King - Naga Raja seems a little milder in heat level than Assam so i suspect is not exactly the same...
Thanks for sharing, my Italian is a little rusty, but I'm pretty sure "molto chiaro" in this context agrees with very pale. The Bih is from Assam (where Frontal is located). Good pic of bih vs. common bhut.

As far as I can tell, there are at least two peppers which would be better classified as Bih, and of course a hanful of peppers out there that best be called something other than Bih.
jedisushi06 said:
mine are the same color almost.  
Possibly Bengle Naga?
I grew a pepper that had very light green pods on it that looked just like spicegeist pepper pods, they stayed that way for a long time before turning a light rusty color then finally a deep red rust color. I'm pretty sure mine is a cross and may not have any Bin jolokia in it,  the seeds were marked "Not Madballz's Rusty 7 pod" its funny though that they look very much alike when light green. I was unable to taste any ripe pods at the time because I was recovering from surgery.  So I deseeded the pods and dried them for blending into my pepper powder.
I'm overwintering the one plant that I had of it, and plan to grow at least 5 more plants of it next year, the seeds were marked F4 so next year they may not look the same as this year's plant.