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Sweet Chilli Sauce for charity tips please

Hi All

I have been put in charge of making a sweet chilli sauce that will be sold alongside sausage sizzles we are having to raise money for our university group. Its really meant to be something people can taste on teir sausage, and take home if they want to. Its not going to be super expensive, but it is being sold for a profit. As far as recipes go, so far I have what google came up with (some of which seem fairly decent), which I will then present back to the group.
What I am hoping for is anyone who would like to add in an amazing recipe, or possibly point out some fundamental idea that I have missed. Hopefully, all going well, sauce will be flowing shortly!
3 parts good quality vinegar
1 part either brown sugar or white
use birds eys and cayennes for chilli but bulk out with red capsicum so as to provide colour without heat. if its for charity its not a good idea tio make it too hot for the average joe.
bit of salt. cook it down until it has some viscosity but remeber it will get tghicker as it cools so you will either have to thin out or add more sugar to thicken, you could add lemon grass or lime jjuice ginger would be greaT. garlic etc
McGoo said:
Hi All

I have been put in charge of making a sweet chilli sauce that will be sold alongside sausage sizzles we are having to raise money for our university group. Its really meant to be something people can taste on teir sausage, and take home if they want to. Its not going to be super expensive, but it is being sold for a profit. As far as recipes go, so far I have what google came up with (some of which seem fairly decent), which I will then present back to the group.
What I am hoping for is anyone who would like to add in an amazing recipe, or possibly point out some fundamental idea that I have missed. Hopefully, all going well, sauce will be flowing shortly!

Hey mate,

Come on over and i'll make a batch up of my sweet chilli for ya...Italian sweet chilli sauce...Spent a year perfecting this recipe with a few cook mates....We can make a heap for ya do.

Drop me a message on the mobile or email...Not picking numbers up on the we mobile.

If it's not too late, I made this and it came out really good. Not too hot & spicy, but there is a little bit of a kick to it. It depends on the amount of chilis you use. My wife even ate it!

Thai Sweet Chili Sauce

A versatile sweet and spicy condiment that can be added to Asian stir-fries, used as a dipping sauce or marinade, or as an accompaniment to any type of fritter or barbecued food. This is adapted from a recipe by Charmaine Solomon.

2 ounces fresh red chilies, roughly chopped (remove seeds if less heat is desired)
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup white vinegar
4 ounces sultanas, chopped (white raisins)
1-2 clove garlic, finely chopped
2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh ginger
1/2-1 teaspoon salt (to taste)

1 1/1. Place chilies in a food processor with half the vinegar and process until the chilies are finely chopped.
2. Do not be concerned if the chili seeds remain whole.
3. Combine the chili and vinegar mixture with the remaining vinegar, and all other ingredients, in a small stainless steel saucepan (take care adding the salt- you can always add more later if you wish).
4. Stir over low heat until sugar dissolves, bring to the boil briefly, then reduce temperature to allow the mixture to simmer gently until the chilies and sultanas are soft, about 15 to 20 minutes.
5. When cool, puree until almost smooth.
6. Pour into a suitably sized sterilised bottle and seal.