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I'm dead center between the two super bowl teams this year again. Couldn't be more exciting. My family itself is split it's awesome.

So who's gonna win and what the hell are ya cookin/drinkin!
it's just another hand-egg game between two wannabe's...

***that oughta stir the pot****
PMSL!!!!! @ the Slack Jawed Yokel
I've gotta go with the Giants this year. I'm a Colts fan and have to root against the Pats.

seriously - he looks like Peyton with a couple of broken chromosomes.

And ever since that b**ch move his daddy pulled when the Chargers drafted him, I've hated his guts.

It's really painful to root for either of these teams, so instead I'm thinking I'll just root for myself to get stinking drunk and stick my d**k in the mashed potatoes at whatever party I'm at. :cheers:

Poor Colts - Peyton seriously deserved MVP consideration for 2011. Yeesh. That team is horrible without him.

Been a while since the "idiot liquored up kicker" showed up anywhere....heh
i guess giants,only cause ive been anti pats since the great super bowl shuffle. "Go Bears".. as far as cooking no idea it might be by myself and a peanut butter sandwhich. i might even be in bed and protest the game,ha. either way i got 5 peppers on the giants
Giants are rolling for a ridiculous post season run so I think they have the momentum but the Pats have the rematch to think about. I dunno this one might be a coin flip. I'm not saying which team I'm going for that way no one can run their mouths too much.

I think I might cook wings for the family and have a few beers. Luckily I have no class worth going to on Monday :)
I'll prolly fire up the turkey fryer and do some wings and a Giant Sammich - Im not much for either team my wife is the Giants fan so I will root because of her and we dont like any team out of Mass. :snooty: Hate Brady (p*ssy) and Belichick is very sneaky.