sun Sun burn?


Extreme Member
Something weird going on with this little guy any ideas? It’s a Tobago seasoning pepper

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No sunburn, looks like edema to me. Look underside the leaves and if you notice crystal like white stuff, it is pretty a sure thing that it is edema.
This is a condition caused by a chili plant taking on more water through its root system that it can use in growth or transpire through its leaves.
It causes strange-looking crystalline growths on leaves. In itself, edema causes little harm but is symptomatic of other problems.
So in short it is mostly caused by overwatering the chili.
And I thought I might be under watering I don’t water often but thinking about it it’s possible that when I do water I’m giving them too much water thanks for the tip [emoji6]

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I have a fan on them humidity is usually in the 30’s and 40’s

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Sure looks like Edema, and with that much top growth in that little styro cup, your little baby is screaming for a bigger container. ;)
Yeah going to put it in a bigger pot today probably [emoji51]

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