greenhouse stupid question, when to use small greenhouse outside?

hi, probably a stupid question.  I Googled and looked on here but still not really sure.
I have my plants started inside, just some peppers and tomatoes (not the 130 + like last year, thank GOD).  They are still REALLY small :( compared to last year but that's another issue.  I hope to repot them from the seedling pots (some have 2 plants in the 4" starter, some 3-4 so want to put 2 each into bigger pots but only have so much room...)
a friend gave me her Aldi greenhouse (the Gardenline one, like 63" tall, 27" wide and 19" deep) and I want to use it this year but my question is, HOW do you use it?  I'm in Chicago so obviously it being only the beginning of April we still have a good 5 weeks before the safe last frost day.
So, do I put the repotted plants out there now or in the next week or wait until May or?  Do I have to wait longer?  Can I leave them outside all day and night in the greenhouse?  I don't know if it freezes if it will protect them completely or not.  I hope I'm asking my questions right....
in the past, I just harden them off the "regular" way a week or so before I can safely plant them (like May 15th), a couple hours each day and increasing for like a week, then plant them in their permanent containers so not sure what/how the greenhouse does to change any of this.
sorry if these are stupid questions!
Thanks :)
ps.  I know that I 1) need to make sure it is secure so it doesn't blow over and 2) I saw several warning about opening it up on sunny days or the plants will cook.
I can help a little bit here. I live in the same area, and just last night I put together the bigger walk-in Aldi greenhouse. I setup a temperature sensor inside to see how well it retained heat as the temperature dropped last night, and it didn't really retain it that well. This morning the temperature was at 35.
So I would say its too early to put them out in that type of green house right now.
nunkynunky said:
I can help a little bit here. I live in the same area, and just last night I put together the bigger walk-in Aldi greenhouse. I setup a temperature sensor inside to see how well it retained heat as the temperature dropped last night, and it didn't really retain it that well. This morning the temperature was at 35.
So I would say its too early to put them out in that type of green house right now.
I know, I was in shorts yesterday and today back to my winter jacket.  Only in Chicago.  :rolleyes:  :shocked:
Maybe someone that uses one can chime in on what the minimum low temp can be to put plants out in these things :)
Well, I tried to track the temperature throughout the day and night, but the wind kept knocking over or breaking apart my greenhouse... I'll have to find a way to keep it together.
I agree with the other guys. A little early. I grow under lights inside then when nighttime lows stay in the 40's I start to move them move out to the greenhouse by day and back into the house ( but not under grow lights ) by night. When nights are in the upper 40s ,Ill keep em out . Oh yeah, overheating is a real threat often overlooked, so careful with that. A fan would be welcomed.
I have a couple models of the PE type covers and they are certainly great for bringing up the temps during the day, but as you lads have already figured out, they do not hold temps the greatest throughout the nights. As for myself and at least a few others I know of on here will use smaller space heaters through the night to help keep things up to par, another thing to help is to add some thermal mass....So for instance buckets of water, jugs, barrels ect, a quick google search can give you  a better explanation then I could ever type out.
Far as your llittle plant stand flipping over all you can do is try and get those bad boys outta the wind as much as you can and anchor it down hard...Nothing worse then filling it up with precious plants you have grown for months and the wind tossing it across your yard, been there done that sadly. I have a larger 10x10 walk in that flew a good 30-40ft on me last fall, though it was empty of anything important at the time and only had minimal damage.
Our temps our low 30s to mid 40s at night and 40s to mid 50s during the day last 30 days.
We have had hail and rain storms for weeks it seems.

My green house is loaded with veg starts and a few of my pepper plants.
I put an oil filled radiator heater in it last week to give it a little help.

Keeps days at 66ish and nights about 60.