storage Storing Powder?

I have about 3/4 pound of fatalii powder that I would like to store to insure it doesn't go bad.  I am using it to make sauce since I don't have any fresh or frozen pods and have already used 1/4 pound so I have plenty sauce for now.
Would using a food saver vacuum machine work well enough to have the powder not spoil?
How about just storing in the freezer?
Tybo said:
I have about 3/4 pound of fatalii powder that I would like to store to insure it doesn't go bad.  I am using it to make sauce since I don't have any fresh or frozen pods and have already used 1/4 pound so I have plenty sauce for now.
Would using a food saver vacuum machine work well enough to have the powder not spoil?
How about just storing in the freezer?
I have had good luck just storing with silica
gel packets in glass jars in a dark cupboard.
Powder stays fluffy and dry and retains its
nice color.
Whether or not you do anything else, KEEP IT OUT OF SUNLIGHT OF ANY KIND!!!! I had an entire bag (vacuumed) of Paprika powder sitting right where it should NOT have been (front and center on a shelf in front of a south facing window) and was neglected for no more than a month. The entire bag turned bleach blonde. 
My powders now have an isolated cupboard all to themselves. I've also convinced myself to bag my dried peppers whole and grind as I need. It might be in my head, but they taste fresher to me.
Thanks everyone.  I do currently use the vacuum storage method but I've never had this much powder to be concerned about.  It'll take me a while to use up 3/4lb and I definitely don't want it to go bad.  
Looks like I'm pretty safe except I need to find a better location to store it.  The cabinet it is in now gets opened a lot and probably gets more light than necessary.
I'll move it.
Thanks again for all the answers!
As long as your powders were thoroughly dried ....I store in a mason jar a cool,dry,dark place......I have had powders stored for up to a year with zero issues using this method.
You could also get Mason jars tinted for UV protection and vacuum seal in those. I've never had enough powder to worry about, I give away what I can't use in a year, maybe that will change