annuum Store bought Jalapeño seed?

I'm thinking of growing Jalapeños this year. Instead of sorting through varieties and probably ending up with Billy Biker, I thought I'd spare myself the research effort etc. and just grow the seed saved from this 3-inch long bad boy from the supermarket. Do you think this might give me some decent pods or would I be better off not even growing it?

grow it but if youre going to do jalos,i would buy a plant and every seed from the fruit i woud plant,you will end up with hundreds of plants..........i like me some black and tan :drunk:
That's a good point, I could just pick some up at some local retail nursery. I've moved on to Portuguese wine at this point.
It'll grow for ya. I'm a manager in the produce biz and store bought pods do produce plants. I found a huge hab hybrid and am trying to grow it out.. 4/4 seeds germinated in 4 days. Most growers that sell peppers to big name supermarkets also have the jalapenos.. habaneros.. etc.. confined to their own area so a cross is not likely.. most are hot house, shade house, or greenhouse grown :)
