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cooking Steam kettles - better than stock pots?

Hi everyone,
I'm researching commissary kitchens in my area and have found one that has a steam kettle but the rent at that place is more expensive than another place that just has stock pot burners.
Does anyone have experience using a steam kettle to cook their sauce and think it's worth it? If so, what are the benefits?
What size is the steam kettle, and what size batches do you anticipate making?

A 40 quart stock pot will make 240 bottle batches. 5 oz woozies.

You can even get larger stock pots. Depending on the prices of the kitchens, maybe invest in a good solid heavy-bottomed stock pot, and if sales necessitates, look at the more expensive kitchen.

I have been around steam kettles at a previous job. They were huge, capable of cooking for 1200 people per meal. They do work great. These were stationary. A sauce would have to be transfered to some sort of dispenser for bottling.

For most beginning (and experienced!) sauce makers, a kettle on the stove works just fine.

Good luck and have fun!