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powder-flake stc3248 piquin/arbol powder review

Well today was an epic day in my chili world as usual. Got home today to find a suprise package from Shane( stc3248) :dance:

Two fresh red and 1 fresh manzano peppers and one yellow. I have never tasted these peppers other than in powder form so I cannnot wait to dabble in them. But the nice helping of fresh powder is what I went for first cause I am a powder junky :drooling:

This piquin/arbol powder has a very comlex taste. I would describe it as a citrusy flavor at first followed by a smoky nutty flavor. Very odd since it isn't one of his smoked products. Has a nice little burn but doesn't last too long.Kind of like eating a fresh jalapeno heat wise. Perfect powder for just about anything. From spicing up a soup or adding to a shrimp salad like i just did. I love it. It will not last long in my house hold. Thank you Shane and keep doing what your doing :onfire:
Well today was an epic day in my chili world as usual. Got home today to find a suprise package from Shane( stc3248) :dance:

Two fresh red and 1 fresh manzano peppers and one yellow. I have never tasted these peppers other than in powder form so I cannnot wait to dabble in them. But the nice helping of fresh powder is what I went for first cause I am a powder junky :drooling:

This piquin/arbol powder has a very comlex taste. I would describe it as a citrusy flavor at first followed by a smoky nutty flavor. Very odd since it isn't one of his smoked products. Has a nice little burn but doesn't last too long.Kind of like eating a fresh jalapeno heat wise. Perfect powder for just about anything. From spicing up a soup or adding to a shrimp salad like i just did. I love it. It will not last long in my house hold. Thank you Shane and keep doing what your doing :onfire:

Thanks for the kind words brother! I apologize I didn't see this sooner! Don't get much internet time during the week other than from my phone in the barracks, and that is limited mainly to content that I follow and trying to watch folks glogs. The new content gets neglected 'till the weekend and sometimes all together! Hopefully I can eventually get a connection set up at the barracks because I have nothing to do in there as it is, and THPing would be a nice way to pass the time!

Their flavors are stand alone dried peppers with some seasonings added. I make another one occasionally where I roast the dried peppers and that adds a little nuttiness to it. I really enjoy making the stuff, especially when I can share it and other folks who enjoy it as well. You have been super genorous with me and deserve more than I can send. Stand by for more to come as I dabble in some new recipies with the supers as they start to ripen! I'll probably start with my same basic recipies and try to marry up the flavor of the supers and habs with them to spice them up a bit. I am thinking a Chocolate Hab or two added to a batch of this powder would be amazing as would a bhut or two...

You da man Jamie! Keep up your great grow and care packages!

Oh by the way...how do you grow carrots like the one in the picture???
LMFAO Shane those are only grown by the easter bunny. They a very rare seed. I can sell you some but they are 10 dollars a seed. Not guranteed to sprout and non isolated :rofl:
Hey Shane... How's your Pequin doing? I got some seeds in a swap and planted a few, but only got one that hooked. I didn't have room for it in my garden this year so I gave it to a neighbor. Neither of us have grown this variety before and it'd be nice to see what one looks like when it's happy. Cheers
I have two each peguin and tepin...I will post some pics on my glog if I remember. Both kinda the same story...one plant kicking A$$ while the other is striving for mediocrity! None look bad. Hoping to overwinter these then find a spot to put them in the ground where they can grow into trees! The pequins I have been using in the powder so far are store bought and a bit pricey (nice to live on the border sometimes where you can find stuff like that), but from the looks of the pod set on my plants I won't be buying them much longer!