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indoor staypuff's indoor growop

Hello all. I'm very new to growing peppers and this forum has been a valuable resource for me. I live way up in northern Canada (I'm just south of where the polar bears hang out). We do get nice warm weather in the summer during the day +25C but still cold at night and this kind of weather only lasts for about a month or so. I wasn't going to let this or the fact I live in an apartment with no balcony stop me however. So I bought a small indoor greenhouse at Home Depot with some CFL lighting.


I'm only growing two basic kinds (Jalapeno and Cayenne) at the start as I hear they are easier to grow and I wanted to take this season and work out the kinks in my set up. Say hello to my new children. They took about 3 weeks to get to this point.


The plants are a bit leggy but healthy. I've topped them and they are growing a number of side leaves and becoming a bit more bushy. I also added some y adapters to double the amount of lighting this weekend so that should help out.


since topping the plants a week ago they seem to be growing new leaves like crazy and seem to look healthy.


This year I'm not trying to grow massive amounts of peppers but simply working out the rights and wrongs of growing these in my climate. I'd appreciate and feedback and hopefully I can grow some decent peppers indoors.

I'm also considering getting 2' flourescent tubes hung up on each of the two levels of the racking and placing the CFL's on the sides for more lighting as I'd like to try this year round.
CFLs are good to get them started to go outside. If you’re planning on growing 100% inside then you will need to upgrade your lighting system conducive for fruit bearing plants. We have many links on this subject.

Good luck!!
Thanks for the replies. Was considering getting two of these...


One for each level and having the current cfl's on the sides which will effectively triple the lumens they are getting now.