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lighting Starting superhots indoors with lights and questions

I've had vegetable gardens for years, but this year I'm going to grow superhots (ghost, butch T, etc.) for the first time. I plan to start them inside under lights and perhaps with a heat mat because I've read that these types of peppers are extremely sensitive to the temperature of the soil.

My first question is will T5 high outputs be sufficient to start and grow them indoors long enough for them to be put outside when the temperature is warm enough? I anticipate possibly having to supplement the overheard light with something else if/when the plants get big enough. I was thinking about some of those full spectrum led lamps.

Also, if anyone has experience with either of these products I have a few questions as well: http://www.amazon.co...25168948&sr=8-3


The heat mat says it will warm the soil 10 to 20 degrees above ambient temperature so the question is will the thermostat make it possible to raise it more than 20 degrees? I suppose this would require someone having had both of these items and tested it, but I ask because if it won't raise it more than 20 degrees, the thermostat is essentially useless.

I live in Central Texas and any help/input is appreciated.

Also, any advice on fixtures and methods of raising/lowering the light?
raising lights is a hassle for me I'm picking up yo-yo hangers this weekend.

T5 will work sufficient, I keep all my seedlings about 83-86 degrees

The real question is what temp is the room you are germinating them in? I am doing some now in my basement with the exact same heating mat, and my basement is ambient temp 67 and heating mat raised over the flat with condiment cups, allowing the heat to rise through it brings it to optimum temp for me.

heating mat is definitely +1 for me getting seeds started it was 200% more efficient then trying to put a heat light of some sort over it and gives a good overall temp
raising lights is a hassle for me I'm picking up yo-yo hangers this weekend.

T5 will work sufficient, I keep all my seedlings about 83-86 degrees

The real question is what temp is the room you are germinating them in? I am doing some now in my basement with the exact same heating mat, and my basement is ambient temp 67 and heating mat raised over the flat with condiment cups, allowing the heat to rise through it brings it to optimum temp for me.

heating mat is definitely +1 for me getting seeds started it was 200% more efficient then trying to put a heat light of some sort over it and gives a good overall temp

raising lights is a hassle for me I'm picking up yo-yo hangers this weekend.

T5 will work sufficient, I keep all my seedlings about 83-86 degrees

The real question is what temp is the room you are germinating them in? I am doing some now in my basement with the exact same heating mat, and my basement is ambient temp 67 and heating mat raised over the flat with condiment cups, allowing the heat to rise through it brings it to optimum temp for me.

heating mat is definitely +1 for me getting seeds started it was 200% more efficient then trying to put a heat light of some sort over it and gives a good overall temp

The room I'll be using will probably be at 60+...

I may not understand correctly, but you're saying you have your heating mat elevated, with the seedlings on top of the mat?

Also, do you use a thermostat or just leave the heat mat on at all times? Also, what types of fixtures would you recommend?
I'm looking for a 4 ft 4 bulb T5 High output fixture and the best deal I found (and was about to order) is out of stock...anyone have recommendations?
Yep, that's the one. I didn't realize it was out of stock until I called asking what spectrum the bulbs were...of course they had no idea.

$125 with free shipping is unbeatable it seems...the others I've found are 150+ plus shipping

Does anyone know whether a closed dome to control humidity is worth the special purchase? Or would it be easy to make something similar