overwintering Starting chillies in the Brisbane winter

Hi all,
Earlier in the year I was wondering whether chillies would grow through the pretty mild winters (comparitively) we get up here in Queensland. So I searched the web and could find no info specific to Brisbane so thought bugger it I'll give it a go. I learned alot from doing it and I am now glad that I did. The seeds came from Semillas and Jungle rain and were germed indoor in jiffy pellets in a heated little greenhouse thingy I got from bunnings, starting around about the end of may (i didnt keep an exact date). When they had 3-4 sets of true leaves I potted them up put them in semi shade out doors for a week then out into full sun where they have stayed untill now.
My biggest problem that I ran into was not weather specific. One plant got some broad mites and I didnt realise untill it was too late and they had spread thru my patch, but thru aggressive prunning, sulphur lime, and diatomaceous earth i have them under control. My pubescens seem to be more prone to attack and Im putting it down to the hairy leaves, giving the little scumbags a layer of protection to go about their evil duty under. Probably gonna leave the pebescens out of the next grow, but I have not yet tasted one so that may indeed change.
This one of the main patches

The Infimary where the sickest of the plants went to recover

Aribibi Gusano pushing out its second crop for the year

Guajillo in the infirmary. This one didnt have mites it just started to look odd, with the leaves getting very thick and kinda deformed.

Trapadeira du Werner also in the Infirmary recovering from mites. I love these chillies, eaten as white yellow or orange they are hideous but when they are red they are my pick to slice up on a sandwich. Got a fair kick to em as well.

Goat weed? Goat pepper? Cant remember the proper name for it. Ate one of these yesterday and it made me hicough for 10 minutes. Think I will have to start getting my tolerance up a bit.

Potato head lookin Yellow Moruga. There is like 50 fruit on this plant, definately growing it again.
Awesome stuff dude. Im from sydney my self and made good mates with another grower in brisbane and hes told me hes got chilli all year. He's even had plants push pods right through august. They just need a little tlc. Bring them in at nights if your temps are single digit and give them light when theres overcast. Awesome plants mate. I started a little late this season late august so my plants are still quite small and the sun is too hot. Need plant roids!
Nice looking plants! Glad you had success. As a fellow SE Queenslander, now living in Louisiana, it's great to hear that chilli's are easy to grow back home. Gives me some head start info for when we move back eventually.
Nice plants!
The black peppers are Goat's weed, is one of the hottest c.annuum around so it's a great start to improve your tolerance ;)