soil starter soils

what kind of soil mix do you guys use for Ghost Peppers, is Ocean Forest  by Fox farmers a good starter , with additives , Im new to this and Im just wondering , whats a good soil mix to start , and these are for plants that are about 5-8 inches tall 
thanksfor your help 
I think ocean forest is an awesome soil but some will argue that it's too hot for seedlings. I used it as a seed starter this year on some of my plants but I mixed it with peat moss and the seedlings are doing really well. Once the plant is established in the seed starting mix, it makes an awesome medium though.
I use Ocean Forest straight with really good results.  My Indian Carbon last year loved O.F, and currently my Chocolate Bhutlah is too.
100% agree here, last yr had awesome results with ocean forest. I use bagged miracle grow or burpee seed starting mix, then once plants are a few inches tall and have a few sets of leaves, I transplant into Ocean Forest. Best part is that you don't have to fertilize for another month. Plenty of nutes in that mix to last until transplant.
I start in coir plugs, and transfer seedlings to Ocean Forest after two or three sets of true leaves appear.

Best stuff I have found. Then into FF Ocean Forest