pests spots on fruits (stink bug damage)

about 10% of my reaper harvest looks like this:

the fruits are nonetheless firm and look/smell fine when cut in half. anyone know what this could be?
Stink bugs! Brown Marmorated Stink bugs (BMSB), to be exact. They started showing up here in the Midwest about 4-5 years ago. They've just been getting worse. I'm constantly battling those bast-holes. Perfectly good fruits with the color sucked right out of them. Grrrr. CAPCOM has been at war with them, too.
ok, that makes perfect sense. i know for sure those are here. they showed up in my back yard 1-2 years ago -- never seen them before until i noticed them sneaking into my house through windows and cracks over winter. annoying bastards. they buzz around the room loud as hell.
could be worse i guess. at least the fruits seem ok and should be usable. they're just ugly.
updated the OP to help people searching in the future.
They have been here for 10 years and vary year to year from barely noticeable to biblical proportions.This was the first year that I saw significant damage to pods.