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greenhouse Spicy Chicken's grow room and greenhouse makeover

Incredible work, man!! I'm getting a kick out of following the progress!

It is making my habit look a lot cheaper in my wife's eyes too... :cool:
If you have been keeping up with the build, these pics were taken today so updates will be slower now, just not enough time in a day for sure!

Today the house wrap went on and worked on some of the stairway. Need that in to determine the head room coming down and plugs/lights switches.

The taller cavity under the stairway will be for the fridge (seed storage and of coarse my favorite refreshments) and the short long one will be a very large drawer, maybe even turn that into a roll out germination chamber. dono

Thanks for looking. SC






Incredible work, man!! I'm getting a kick out of following the progress!

It is making my habit look a lot cheaper in my wife's eyes too... :cool:

Thanks Emu, I try, not really that good at it but plug away.

Looks like maybe the wify will let you buy some more goodies now! woohoo

Cheers, SC
Thanks chileaddict!

Great minds think alike, bought the 200 of # 12 speaker wire last Friday, fix-in to put it in shortly!

I like classic ROCK and Country. hope the grass holds out.:lol:

Cheers, SC

According to the myth busters plants like heavy metal the most.
My plants would be listening to classic rock and country most. maybe a little hick-hop
Looks like your project is coming along reall nice!
You certainly are a goer mate! Looking very good.

Nove buddy whats up?
Just taking lessons from you, you set the goer standards!:)

According to the myth busters plants like heavy metal the most.
My plants would be listening to classic rock and country most. maybe a little hick-hop
Looks like your project is coming along reall nice!

Thanks RB!

Just turned 51 two days ago, heavy metal-----not my generation really.:crazy:

I just noticed in the quote I wrote grass instead of glass :rofl: either one is fine!:lol:

Im 27 and the heaviest stuff i listen to might be Korn or Metallica no heavy metal for me either brother.

I'm anexious to see the finished project....are you setting a deadline or is it done when its done?
Looking great... Just make sure ya get the flashing right, I inspected many a water logged rotten houses... just cuz the flashing was wrong. Lookin great, I'm jealous, a far cry from my 3x5 table I made...
WOW....... lost for words :eek:

JungleRain that's not like you, Here is some words in-case you want to reply later. Crap, What a pile of junk, What the hell were you thinking, that's just ridiculous, worthless, burn it down and start over but this time do it right!!! :rofl:

It's looking good. You're certainly not wasting time getting it done!

Megamoo I'm still waiting for you to come and give me a hand!

Im 27 and the heaviest stuff i listen to might be Korn or Metallica no heavy metal for me either brother.

I'm anexious to see the finished project....are you setting a deadline or is it done when its done?

No deadline, Time and Money deadline. Not to sure I will get to the upper half this year. but imperative I get the germination room finish, will set out a 10x20 hoop house if I have to come spring.

Nice work SC. Electrical panel access from the exterior?

Good Q NT
I wouldn't normally but two factors for this decision. one, the interior wall are not deep enough for the box without it sticking out and Two the upper part may not be finished this year so I chose a location with a chase for easy access later!

Looking great... Just make sure ya get the flashing right, I inspected many a water logged rotten houses... just cuz the flashing was wrong. Lookin great, I'm jealous, a far cry from my 3x5 table I made...

Ya I have a lot of break work to do, just keep an eye on the progress and guild me if I need it at that point,.

I just finished a job last week that had a bad flashing job, did irreparable damage. What a nightmare.

Thanks for looking guys!
Fell short today, but managed to get a couple things done,

West wall before and after pics, It is my pipe line wall. (septic, water and electric) so had to wait to finish that one last.

Made a door for the electrical box which will eventualy be covered with metal, rubber seals and water deflection guard over the top.

Oya and cleanup!!!!!

Thanks for looking! SC





By now your not expecting much so I feel more relaxed!

Todays update:

Doubled all the necessary floor joists, cut 3 10" shorter for headroom and put in a slated slope.

Put in all the joist hangers, cut out the floor and built the two bottom steps.

Hopefully tomorrow I will have the uppers steps done and maybe the door in, I found a temp door for 10 bucks but have to make a new jamb.

That's all folks, thanks for looking, Jeff :)

Hi Josh,

You brought up a couple of good points!

View PostJosh, on 21 August 2011 - 08:12 PM, said:
Wow! I am really jealous. That is going to be an incredible grow building. It looks like you are having fun with that old structure (sarcasm). Working on things that are out of square and not level can be a bit frustrating huh?

I is a little frustrating at times but the key element here for me was just to engulf the concrete, only for the fact of permits and such that it was existing and left the main structure in tact. In retrospect it would have been easier to bulldoze it a start from scratch.

I was curious about a couple things though. Why did you frame out the exterior? I was thinking it probably would have been cheaper and less labor intensive to slap up some furring strips and install some vinyl siding.

At first glance that my be true, and since I did not post or take any pics of how crooked and wavy the wall were, you would probably agree that only using the wall as an extended foundation might be the route, the wall them selfs had at least a 4 inch wave and it is out of level almost 3 inches. (poured that way 60 years ago) furring them out level and strait would have been a nightmare to say the least, In some cases I would have had to use 2x6's and tapper them 2-1/2 to 5-1/2 and still have to figure out how to fasten them to the wall.

Also, why did you include headers? Blond moment!, old habits are hard to break, over thinking it, I'm a tard, take your pick, Hit that one right on the money buddy! Didn't need them, a wast of time and lumber, I see you said the walls are attached to the second floor joists.

I hope you don't take that as me trying to be smart or something. No not at all! I have a feeling you don't have to try, love the camaraderie! I am genuinely curious.

Thanks for your comment and Q's josh,
Cheers, SC

Makes sense. My father is a maintenance man and we always do our own construction, plumbing, electrical, etc. Neither of us have had any formal training so when I see someone doing work it catches my interest. Always looking to learn something that I will eventually have to apply. Especially on older structures since that is generally what we are working with. Whether it is our place, helping out friends, or other family members.

It is really turning out fantastic and I look forward to the final product.

Last night after work the upper ruff framing stairway got done, and made the jamb for the cull door.

Out of state family members showed up the big corn roast this weekend and shut the progress down, shoulda put em to work.


What I had to work with!


The making of new jambs.



The Door set in place. Thats all I got done! :crazy: isn't it?
