pics sp33d's DIY DWC/drip hydro system and DIY clone/seed germination/grow tent **lots of pics*

magicpepper said:
holy crap.  you are ready lol    cant wait to see how well your plants do

I can't wait either man...a tent chocked full of colored peters...;)

I have been reading about waterfarm mods and improvements from waterfarm users and I'm going to make the holes in the medium bucket bigger and drill holes on the side of the medium bucket so the roots will be able to have easier access growing through the holes reaching for the nute solution and have more holes to to do so with the holes in the side instead of only the bottom...know what I mean jelly bean ....:)
not bad at all. if i had the lights id do something like this, or grow a lot more indoors anyway. but thats a lot of cash i dont have lol
magicpepper said:
not bad at all. if i had the lights id do something like this, or grow a lot more indoors anyway. but thats a lot of cash i dont have lol
I hear ya man....I definetly didn't just go and buy everything at once, this has been pieced together over many months and many paychecks...;) wife would kill me if she knew what the total $$ spent on this entire setup, even though I saved about $230 alone on the "waterfarm" vice purchasing the brand name system....
yea im always looking for the least expensive alternative.  i have water pumps from old fountains, and air pumps from old fish tanks, buckets are easy to come by, im going to start pinching every penny i can so i can get some lights lol  
magicpepper said:
yea im always looking for the least expensive alternative.  i have water pumps from old fountains, and air pumps from old fish tanks, buckets are easy to come by, im going to start pinching every penny i can so i can get some lights lol
If you lived close or even in the states I would be able to hook you up with a light for next to nothing....I'm using a 600w HPS for this setup but I have a 250w MH just sitting in my closet collecting dust ...
magicpepper said:
that would be awesome buddy, but im in canada and i am a good 6 hours away from the michigan/ontario boarder
Yeah it would cost me an arm and leg to get it to you ..that surely ruins being able to give you a deal...
sp33d said:
Yeah it would cost me an arm and leg to get it to you ..that surely ruins being able to give you a deal...
aint that the truth. its all good. eventually i will be able to afford the lights. right now though my main concern is my dad and his health. 
I really like your set up. I am very interested as to where I can get the white buckets like you have. I love general hydroponics waterfarms but if I could make my own and just use some of their hardware. Oh man that would be awesome.
miguelovic said:
Pretty sure they're recycled from restaurants, at least, that's where I get them and they look quite similar.
caveman said:
I really like your set up. I am very interested as to where I can get the white buckets like you have. I love general hydroponics waterfarms but if I could make my own and just use some of their hardware. Oh man that would be awesome.
Exactly where I got them....just ask local restraunts..luckily for me I know someone in the biz...
Are you going to use this with a water filter system/RO hooked up to your reservoir? Or are you going to manually fill? When plants get to size plan on at least 6 gallons of water a day.
hey Anton, have you seen the aquaponics setup?   i might give that a shot, on a small scale of course. and once i get good at it ill go bigger. like the saying goes, go big or go home lol.  might be something you would be interested in.  
here is a video i found for it. there is better ones out there but this is a small scale setup
Kilo said:
Are you going to use this with a water filter system/RO hooked up to your reservoir? Or are you going to manually fill? When plants get to size plan on at least 6 gallons of water a day.
Manual filling....if it gets to be to much I might try to figure something out with hoping the RO to it..

magicpepper said:
hey Anton, have you seen the aquaponics setup?   i might give that a shot, on a small scale of course. and once i get good at it ill go bigger. like the saying goes, go big or go home lol.  might be something you would be interested in.  
here is a video i found for it. there is better ones out there but this is a small scale setup
Nice...I have seen that before and would totally do it myself but I have so much going on with this DWC st
System, my outdoor peppers, garden and mycology....luckily I don't have a full time job, I wouldn't be able to keep up with all this lol..

If you do it make a thread man I would totally be interested and follow your journey...
sp33d said:
Manual filling....if it gets to be to much I might try to figure something out with hoping the RO to it..

Nice...I have seen that before and would totally do it myself but I have so much going on with this DWC st
System, my outdoor peppers, garden and mycology....luckily I don't have a full time job, I wouldn't be able to keep up with all this lol..

If you do it make a thread man I would totally be interested and follow your journey...
i am going to give it a shot, see how it goes. it might take a while to get everything but i will make a video and a glog on how i did it and how it is doing, once i get the money and supplies to do it.
Alright folks I got the grow tent together ....let me tell ya that was a sumbitch to do say in the video "2 people would be ideal" well your damn right it would be ideal....

Either way I got it done...all I did was put the DWC system I built inside, I didn't hook anything up because I'm whooped ....I also hung my 600w HPS light...

It's a 6.5'x6.5'x6.5' grow tent made by Lighthouse Hydro....I got it for a steal at $170 is definitely high quality and well made., the zippers are heavy duty , the tent material is heavy duty...for Mary Jane growing it is able to be sealed for complete darkness , all the zippers are covered with a flap and Velcro to secure that has lots of access ports, ventilation hose ports for cooling the HPS light are able to accept 8" and tighten down to accept 4" (mine is 6")..lots of access holes for cables, power cords, hoses etc...the frame is well built, I am able to dead hang my 180 lbs body weight on the frame where the light hangs from...

I will hopefully get this fired up real soon...all I want to do before I do so is mount my 100GPD RO/DI system to something and hang on the wall by my wash room tub...after I get that done I will start some "peter pepper" seeds germinated and in my clone/seed bucket that I built...

Here ya go..let me know what you think...the tent has some dirty spots from me being alone and putting it up and dragging it on floor, it will clean right up..;)

Before I zipped up the walls..

This is the left side as you look at it from the front ...has 2 zip able windows on each side

This is the right side as you would look at it from front and this is where the controller/reservoir will go outside of tent so I don't have worry about the water heating up frm the light...

Inside of the grow tent, I just set everything in their and hung the light...nothing is actually hooked up...

Bumped into my flight helmets..the one with the oxygen mask was for when I crewed the MV22 since it could go above 10,000 feet..we needed oxygen when we weren't pressurized...e other one was for when I crewed the CH46E Vietnam era helicopter ...couldn't go above 10,000 so no need for oxygen mask on that one ...damn I miss flying ...
