Some weird disease, possibly? PLEASE ADVISE!

Living in Auckland, NZ.
Have a Pubescens (Orange rocoto.. ID unknown) that has been struggling in a rather small-ish pot for a few years now. Been fed and has fruited.. just hasn't really done that great.
Decided to repot the wee bugger today and whilst doing so, I noticed that there were a bunch of black bumps all over the stems.
I'd liken them to baby ladybugs that are all black and have sucked onto the stems.. when you pull them off and look inside - they look almost like the inside of a fig.
Haven't a fucking *clue* what they are, if they're harmful and what to do!
Please advise.
Merry Christmas you weird lot :D
• Brush shells and shields with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. In this way, the shell of the insect will dry and it will be easier to destroy.
• soap-based insecticides. Follow the manufacturer's instructions. spray the mixture on all parts of the plant. Also wet the soil, pot and saucer.
• Regardless of the product used, the treatment should be repeated every five days for three to four weeks. One Missed bug infestation may reappear. Plants that have been attacked by scales should be inspected regularly
Definitely "Scale", I had some recently on a citrus. You can just brush them off with a cotton bud or toothbrush, they'll have a hard time getting back on. Be wary of ants though, they'll farm the scale and actually put them back on the plant in order to be able to harvest the scales sugary secretion.

You could also apply the treatments as already mentioned, or any other chemical spray that targets scale. Be careful with chemical sprays though, some, if left on the plant can burn the foliage of pepper plants. If you go this route, I'd suggest applying and then rinsing off with a garden hose after 15-20 minutes.
