Solar Ovens

I want a solar oven. I've been playing with this idea since last summer, but I didn't have time to get into it fully. So, now I'm playing with the idea again.

I like the green aspect of it. It does seem silly to pay for the energy to run the AC in the summer, then turn on a heat source in the middle of the house. I like the challenge of learning to do something new. I like the practicality of it, utilizing a resource that's free for the taking. I like the outdoors aspect of it. I often throw something on the gas grill in the warm months while I'm puttering around outside. And I like the Kewl Toy! aspect of it.

So, I'm noodling over building my own, or buying a small sturdy one. This one seems to be the best bang for the buck if I'm buying.

And this page has all kinds of plans for building one. I'm more inclined towards the box cookers, but I think that is more of an aesthetic bias than a practical one. The box cookers look more like ovens! Plus, I was thinking that I could put unglazed floor tiles in the bottom of a box cooker to help hold heat. During the week I wouldn't be home from work in time to use it for much more than warming something up otherwise.

So, anybody played with these much?
i've heard of them and understand the concept behind them, but have never thought about getting one myself. i would think they should work, you'll have to let us know if you get one how it works.
If you make your own make sure you don't use galvanized metal, that could be toxic. I don't know why but I'm thinking clay. Looking forward to some pix this summer!
My opinion says build your own, at least then you can establish whether or not you like this method without loosing valuable dollars.

These don't look all that difficult to build. said:
If you make your own make sure you don't use galvanized metal, that could be toxic. I don't know why but I'm thinking clay. Looking forward to some pix this summer!

There are directions on the page that has all the plans for one made of stones and a straw and mud mix, however, I don't want anything that permanent until I know a lot more about what is going to work, and what the best placement in the yard is. I suspect it would be easier for me to make a brick and sand frame instead of stone, lime, and straw mud one, too.

Right now I want one I can more around, though. In part to figure out the best placement, and in part so I don't have as much of a physical investment. And, well, so I can haul it over to friends and family's yards to demonstrate.

You didn't really think y'all are the only people I poke at to be greener, did you?
hey Pam I did a search (useing google) and I found a mess of plans for builting them some out of cardboard so those would not be too perminent