soil Soilent Green - They're growing in PEOPLE POO!!!

AJ Drew said:
I am a weird vegetarian.  No meat at all.

That's not weird at all.
I've always wondered whether those "other" vegetarians lump fish and chicken into the "fruit" or "vegetable" category.  Apparently, this is a misnomer that is perpetuated by the American Council of Bishops.  Don't want to get into that here, you can google their "wisdom" for yourself.
The word "meat", as used it was translated from most ancient religious texts, literally means, "food".
karoo said:
The solids in human poop is real good stuff 
Carbon 40-50%
Nitrogen 5-7%
Calcium 4-5%
Phosphorus 3-5%
Potassium  3-5%
and because of the incredible digestive system of humans , most of this is readily available.
It is used a lot in the rehabilitation of land after mining and deforestation .

Interesting.  Is this a regional thing?  I read up on this, and the conclusion 2 of the studies of the report that I read, stated that the pathogen risk alone, precluded any viable use on food crops. (especially vegetable crops - fruit crops less so)  As in, they stated that human waste was one of the worst organic fertilzers, period.
Powelly said:
The thing I find the most amusing is the image of someone taking a shit in their worm bin
Who does that?  That's just about the last thing you want in a worm bin. (vermicomposting 101)  No carnivorous shits in a worm bin.  Unless you're using different worms than I am... 
Linked articles are bullshit. No sources are cited, called a public works a "Big business", and claimed that they had knowledge of what other people are protecting as secrets. Your article's author is not a seer, a prophet, or a wizard. 
Not saying I am about to go out searching for places to buy human waste from, but it is likely that none of these nasty things are in your commercially made fertilizers. 
Finally, the article is selling fertilizers in the sidebar, so if you want to talk a business motivation, well, there you have it. 