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smoking Smoking Some Red Bhuts (1st Batch)

starting to process the pods that i grew this year. have an entire freezer overflowing with vacuum sealed bags of pods. anyway, here is the beginning . . . red bhuts into the smoker. not sure if the will end up as hot sauce or as flakes.

out of the freezer and ready for the smoker:

starting the smoke - 1/3 cherry, 1/3 apple, 1/3 oak - should be good.


I'll update it as we progress through the smoking process.
What sort of temps do you get in that smoker and how long do you smoke them for on average? I noticed you left them whole
Hey, Buddy,

we have our eye on a smoker and I really want to use it for both meats and pods. Have you every noticed any kind of meat-type flavor getting into the pods? We've never worked with a smoker before, I just have this weird fear that the meat smoke will get on the inside of the smoker and then when the pods are smoked, they'll taste like ribs or turkey. :crazy: Am I completely nuts?

Thanks for any thoughts you may have on this.

The bhuts turned out really nice looking. I'm sure you'll have fun working with them. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
Hey, Buddy,

we have our eye on a smoker and I really want to use it for both meats and pods. Have you every noticed any kind of meat-type flavor getting into the pods? We've never worked with a smoker before, I just have this weird fear that the meat smoke will get on the inside of the smoker and then when the pods are smoked, they'll taste like ribs or turkey. :crazy: Am I completely nuts?

Thanks for any thoughts you may have on this.

The bhuts turned out really nice looking. I'm sure you'll have fun working with them. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

I know you asked buddy but, I really don't think that will be a problem... I haven't smoke a LOT but I have smoked some and have never experienced anything like that.
OK, thanks, hillbilly and buddy.
I just got a smoker and have been playing with it. I have been letting a round of smoke go through and out then letting the pods sit in there to finish drying. I will have to try the dehydrator method after getting a good smoke on.