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smoking Smoking Some Chocolate TScorpions

Starting to smoke some pods for the upcoming flake/powder/sauce season.  1st smoke of the season was approximately 3 pounds of Chocolate TScorpions (courtesy of Dale Baker).  Smoked them for about 6 hours with an approximate 60/40 combination cherry and apple.  Had a minor heat excursion and cooked a few of the pods  Next week - who knows!  A few pictures:
The stars of the show - before being de-seeded:

Maybe an hour in:

After it's all said and done:

Now, what to do with them?  Decisions, decisions . . . these are the decisions that I like to make.
Thanks for looking.
 Looks super tasty Terry. Nothing compares to the smell of chocolates all smoked up. Keep us posted on your decision. 
Justaguy said:
Terry if you can get your hands on some, Chestnut is great for smoking Chocolates. I did Chestnut smoke Choc Habs last year and it was great. I can send you a SFRB of chips if you can't find some.
Thanks Brian -  I've never tried Chestnut.  I'll look around for some and if I can't find any, I will definitely take you up on your offer.  Thanks again.