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smoking Smoked wings?

Playing with an idea.. Has anyone slow-smoked chicken wings, then deep fried them (gotta have the crispy skin!), then sauced? I wonder if the smoke flavor would even be detectable under the coating of Defcon 1? :)

Going to have a July 4 BBQ at my place, and thanks to The Creator, everyone always wants me to do wings! I'll be making jerk chicken and a brisket too..

- Eric
I have smoked wings many times. I don't know about deepfrying them after smoking. I would recommend: putting whatever rub you like on them, smoking them until done (I would say about an hour), and then putting them on the grill to crisp up at about 400F then in the last couple of minutes put the Defcon sauce on. Man, you are making me hungry at the thought of them. I am going to have to go thaw some wings out for the weekend now.
i've smoked many a chicken in my day and if you haven't done it yet, you're in for a treat. i add liquid smoke to my own wings because i can't smoke anything anymore. (apartment life, ya know?) You should absolutely smoke them to fully cooked and just crisp them on the grill. Why would you add any kind of fat where you don't need any? heck, you might even kill some of the smokey flavor. just keep it real simple. and like DevilDuck said, smoking them can even make them crispy. I used roast half chickens all the time and they were always crisp and crusty on the skin.

just use a good rub is all and make sure your woodchips are nice and wet. white smoke = good, black smoke = unhealthy
JayT said:
I have smoked wings many times. I don't know about deepfrying them after smoking. I would recommend: putting whatever rub you like on them, smoking them until done (I would say about an hour), and then putting them on the grill to crisp up at about 400F then in the last couple of minutes put the Defcon sauce on. Man, you are making me hungry at the thought of them. I am going to have to go thaw some wings out for the weekend now.

Hmm, that sounds like a good plan! Do you basically grill the sauce onto the wings? Also, what kind of rub do you like to use?

DevilDuck said:
Smoking the wings will get the skin crispy.

How? Is it because of the rub? I usually smoke at about 210 degrees Fahrenheit. I wouldn't think that'd be hot enough to crisp the skin..

fineexampl said:
i've smoked many a chicken in my day and if you haven't done it yet, you're in for a treat. i add liquid smoke to my own wings because i can't smoke anything anymore. (apartment life, ya know?) You should absolutely smoke them to fully cooked and just crisp them on the grill. Why would you add any kind of fat where you don't need any? heck, you might even kill some of the smokey flavor. just keep it real simple. and like DevilDuck said, smoking them can even make them crispy. I used roast half chickens all the time and they were always crisp and crusty on the skin.

just use a good rub is all and make sure your woodchips are nice and wet. white smoke = good, black smoke = unhealthy

Man, I hear you about the apartment life. I'm so freakin' happy to be back in a house again and be able to use my smoker. I don't use wood chips, I build a small charcoal fire in my firebox, and then put soaked logs of hickory or mesquite on top of the coals. Puts out a TON of smoke, but doesn't heat up the smoke box too high. :)

Canuk Pepperhead said:
im seasoning the smoker tomorow then im trying her out

Cool, let us know how it goes!! Oh, and take plenty of pics!

Thanks everyone! Looks like I'll skip the frying bit. I've smoked jerk chicken before (instead of grilling it), and have to say that turned out awesome. Can't wait to try wings!

- Eric
Yeah, I put the sauce on them after they have been on the grill for a minute or two. Actually, just before they are ready to come off so the sauce doesn't burn on them. I use many rubs, but usually I make my own. I like a cajun kind of rub. The one I made last had dried thai pepper powder, garlic powder, onion powder, sea salt, cumin, oregano, paprika, thyme, mombasa powder, and some sugar (not too much because that will burn).
elequin said:
How? Is it because of the rub? I usually smoke at about 210 degrees Fahrenheit. I wouldn't think that'd be hot enough to crisp the skin..

Dude, something moist put into a dry heat will eventually dry out and crispy up, regardless of temperature.
Sickmont said:
Dude, something moist put into a dry heat will eventually dry out and crispy up, regardless of temperature.

When i was smoking stuff, i would keep the temps below 250 degrees and NEVER failed having a crispy outer layer. Chicken skins were delicious after a smoking!

Man...i miss smoking. :(
Originally Posted by DevilDuck
Smoking the wings will get the skin crispy.
How? Is it because of the rub? I usually smoke at about 210 degrees Fahrenheit. I wouldn't think that'd be hot enough to crisp the skin..

It's called dehydration. If you leave the skin on, the fat will run out and leave the skin crisp.

Smoking stuff 101.... The fat will melt.
I smoke my wings and then finish them in a saute pan. Then sauce them and eat.

The saute pan adds a nice crips crust.

Yum Yum Good stuff.
DD you're exactly right, but I usually don't have the patience to wait for the skin to be crispy on the smoker especially when I sauce them. So... I smoke them for a while and then finish them over higher heat on the grill. Besides they only take on so much smoke no matter how long you smoke them.