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overwintering Should I be worried about my overwinter habs?

So I pulled my beloved orange habs out of the ground a while back.
I had read up on the process. I was careful. I cut the roots back a bit, cut a lot of the top of the plant back to mere wax coated stubs, and potted them in some commercial potting soil, can't remember the exact brand, and brought them inside.

I'm now finding new leaves sprouting already. Tiny lil' baby leaves, to be sure, but it's still new growth.

Two of the plants are in semi-dark areas, one is in my computer room so it's getting more light than the others.
I'm only watering around once a week, and only enough to barely moisten the soil, yet they're still going as if all is right with the world and it's not turning into winter and they're not being subjected to this sort of treatment in some attempt to get them to go dormant or hibernating or whatever it is that I want them to be doing.

So, is this going to adversely affect them at all? The temp is fairly constant, as is the level of light that they'll be getting until springtime rolls around.

Trying to send myself a pic from my cellphone crappy cam.
Sounds fine to me. You should worry about the cows instead....

: pears out window :
: cow looks back at IGG :

He's still out there...........

Edit for: The white pot on the left side of the pic is a tobasco pepper I'm trying to overwinter, same exact conditions, no new growth, it seems happily asleep.
My habs don't seem to want to take winter off, though.

Edit of edit for: Cows don't worry me. Dewbacks, though. Gotta watch out for the dewbacks.
Skydiver, the O. Hab I cut back last year and grew thru the winter did fine and it looked exactly like yours...just let it be and watch for the nasties...they will appear out of nowhere...

I have two dozen plants upstairs that have been their for three weeks tomorrow. Almost all of them, even the ones pretty much hidden from the light have enough foliage to start a small compost pile.

Come Tuesday, I should have my clone machine so I will chop off a bunch of sprouts and see how they do. The rest will go into my compost pot!

is that green mould or moss forming on the top of the soil? if so make sure there is adequate ventilation. if the plant is happy in this environment then it will grow so don't be overly concerned. signs of life are better than total dormancy which could indicate a dying plant.
chilliman64 said:
is that green mould or moss forming on the top of the soil? if so make sure there is adequate ventilation. if the plant is happy in this environment then it will grow so don't be overly concerned. signs of life are better than total dormancy which could indicate a dying plant.

It's not moss or anything, when the soil dried out it started showing that, it's actually whitish in color, I think it's some sort of crystallized mineral or something from my water.
The only non-dirt stuff in there is a failed pepper I just tossed, and a few leaves from my schefflera tree that found a way to fall into this pot.

Edit for, the darker soil in the middle is from where I spritzed it with some water, that white stuff dissolved.
I thought my ORange hab was dead after the winter but found the branches still alive. I didnt water it for 4 or 5 months.

I cut it back as you would a rose bush and its now got about 300 peppers developing and its not even pepper season yet. Im living in fear of what it may produce.

Will post pics later if you want

Skydiver looks like is going to be a big producer for you next season,Personally i would remove that top layer of soil and replace lots of nutes on top by the look of things :shocked:
From my experience, if you want the plants to go semi dormant you likely need more complete darkness and/or a cooler temperature and if you want them to grow over winter you'll likely need more light.
tony05 said:
I cut it back as you would a rose bush and its now got about 300 peppers developing and its not even pepper season yet. Im living in fear of what it may produce.

Will post pics later if you want


Be prepared to have lots of O Habs Tony...my second year plant just passed 1700 pods and still has another 200 on it...it has surpassed all of my expectations...would love to see pics...
Willard...if they appear out of the soil, is there anything you can treat the soil with like neem oil or something that will not affect the plants and kill the nasties?
talas said:
Skydiver looks like is going to be a big producer for you next season,Personally i would remove that top layer of soil and replace lots of nutes on top by the look of things ;)

Will do.
daily check of my plants, now my tobascos are sprouting new leaves.

I really hope my luck stays this good when it comes time to germinate the seeds I'm getting.

I take the plant out of the pot, prune the top and roots and wash the plant thoroughly and repot in sterilized soil.....I do this rarely, but it is effective.