Shipping to the US from Canada

Hi all, thank you all so much for your helpful answer to my last question. I have another for you.

I have seen the other threads on selling seeds and such cross border but any tips for selling bottles cross border? How do I avoid them getting stopped at the border for 2 weeks and not having my customer have to pay duty on my products?

Any tips would be helpful.

Are you sending large amounts, or just a few bottles?
I've never had any problems or delays sending seeds or sauces in small quantity, I just label the contents and check off "gift" on the customs tag.
jakealbert said:
I will be sending basically 1-2 bottles at a time.

i just sent a bottle to kentucky from ontario couple of weeks ago..cost me about $8, i put ornamental jar on the outside of the package and had no problem..took awhile to get there but no problems

make sure that you dont put an outrages price on how much it is worth. i put $2 value on it,had no problems