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heat Seven Pod is the "World's Hottest" and it was developed by Amerindians.

Well, I guess I'll step in to the deep end. Feel free throw me out of the pool.
As a newbie, what I really want to know, is where can I get the seeds which are true to the name on the package? This reminds me of "real" or "true" or "pure" vanilla from Mexico  which is as clear as water; Ha! Vanilla made from vanilla beans is a brown color. The clear stuff is artificial.
It isn't easy to tell with the seeds bought. Some vendors, not any here that I know of, relabel, rename, or just don't care if the seeds they are selling are "true" or not. I, not knowing any better, get seeds with a name, I grow them out, do my best to keep them pure and redistribute them, all the while not know that they aren't the real thing. I don't want to do that, but how do I not, do that?
I am so lost, confused and overwhelmed. I think I'll go read a Penny and Pepper Joe thread to feel better about myself.
bvalente said:
On a different note:
TM Scorpion
Discovered in Sterling Heights, MI. Literally 5 min down the road, that's crazy
"Discovered" in this case means received seeds from the Tobago (where people have been growing them for a long time) and popularized them to a wider audience.
Orekoc said:
Well, I guess I'll step in to the deep end. Feel free throw me out of the pool.
As a newbie, what I really want to know, is where can I get the seeds which are true to the name on the package? This reminds me of "real" or "true" or "pure" vanilla from Mexico  which is as clear as water; Ha! Vanilla made from vanilla beans is a brown color. The clear stuff is artificial.
It isn't easy to tell with the seeds bought. Some vendors, not any here that I know of, relabel, rename, or just don't care if the seeds they are selling are "true" or not. I, not knowing any better, get seeds with a name, I grow them out, do my best to keep them pure and redistribute them, all the while not know that they aren't the real thing. I don't want to do that, but how do I not, do that?
I am so lost, confused and overwhelmed. I think I'll go read a Penny and Pepper Joe thread to feel better about myself.
Pretty sure those vendors I mentioned in the first post will set you right... lot's of people on here also grow them...
Let me throw my 2 cents in here too, (I'm Butch T) I actually had heard about the 7 pod before hearing about the Trinidad Scorpion but there was no seed
avaiable for it and the grower "Jonah", Allen Boatmans friend had a crop failure and lost his seeds. After I grew out the Scorpion "Jonah" made a return trip to Trinidad
and came back with more 7 Pod(actually Jonah say's its 7 Pot) seed and shared with Allen who in turn shared with me & I grew it out, the original pods were very
Scorpion in shape without the tail or with a very stubby one. The flavor was completely different and the heat profile was different too. The 7 pot was also very
easy to cross with another pepper, as long as it was within the same county, and the varieties that "popped up" after the seeds became available is amazing.
Tigahb8 said:
Let me throw my 2 cents in here too, (I'm Butch T) I actually had heard about the 7 pod before hearing about the Trinidad Scorpion but there was no seed
avaiable for it and the grower "Jonah", Allen Boatmans friend had a crop failure and lost his seeds. After I grew out the Scorpion "Jonah" made a return trip to Trinidad
and came back with more 7 Pod(actually Jonah say's its 7 Pot) seed and shared with Allen who in turn shared with me & I grew it out, the original pods were very
Scorpion in shape without the tail or with a very stubby one. The flavor was completely different and the heat profile was different too. The 7 pot was also very
easy to cross with another pepper, as long as it was within the same county, and the varieties that "popped up" after the seeds became available is amazing.
Thanks for adding that.  I'm using Seven Pod because that's what CARDI mentioned in their literature, but I've never been to Trinidad & Tobago, and have spent zero time with growers there, so I'm flying blind on that one.  Did you find it relatively easy to find there?  Was it a known variety?  I'm wondering if different regions of T&T have slightly different versions.
Tigahb8 said:
Let me throw my 2 cents in here too, (I'm Butch T) I actually had heard about the 7 pod before hearing about the Trinidad Scorpion but there was no seed
avaiable for it and the grower "Jonah", Allen Boatmans friend had a crop failure and lost his seeds. After I grew out the Scorpion "Jonah" made a return trip to Trinidad
and came back with more 7 Pod(actually Jonah say's its 7 Pot) seed and shared with Allen who in turn shared with me & I grew it out, the original pods were very
Scorpion in shape without the tail or with a very stubby one. The flavor was completely different and the heat profile was different too. The 7 pot was also very
easy to cross with another pepper, as long as it was within the same county, and the varieties that "popped up" after the seeds became available is amazing.
Very insightful. Thanks!
Spicegeist said:
They're available for sale too:
hot stuff said:
The question then is how do you order them.
semillas said:
Who is going to order a bag of each from CARDI?
I´m curious to grow these "new" varieties.
Why have the seeds been treated with TSP ?
Virus infection?
Just got an answer: minimum order is 1000 seeds, 50$
Spicegeist said:
IMHO, none of the "world's hottest" since the Bhut Jolokia (i.e. Trinidad Scorpion Butch T, "Trinidad Scorpion Moruga," and the Carolina Reaper) are significantly outside the normal variation you'd expect to find in a landrace pepper to warrant being recognized as something new. 
Virtually every source has Ed Currie crossing a habanero with another pepper to come up with the Carolina Reaper.  That other pepper seems to change with the source.  But there is almost always listed a habanero type as one of the peppers in cross.  As habanero and the 7 pot line you were discussing are different peppers, I -believe- what you are saying is that you think the story that the Carolina Reaper was created by crossing a habanero with something else is not true.

Because peppers are self pollinating and pollen is very small, i could certainly see Mr. Curry thinking he had crossed pepper A plant with pepper B pollen when in reality a spec of pollen from pepper A self pollinated the plant.

ajdrew said:
Virtually every source has Ed Currie crossing a habanero with another pepper to come up with the Carolina Reaper.  That other pepper seems to change with the source.  But there is almost always listed a habanero type as one of the peppers in cross.  As habanero and the 7 pot line you were discussing are different peppers, I -believe- what you are saying is that you think the story that the Carolina Reaper was created by crossing a habanero with something else is not true.

Because peppers are self pollinating and pollen is very small, i could certainly see Mr. Curry thinking he had crossed pepper A plant with pepper B pollen when in reality a spec of pollen from pepper A self pollinated the plant.

I'm with CAPCOM on this.
I have no doubt the Reaper is an outcross.  I just thoroughly doubt the apparent parents.  My version, true story, is that it is a Bhut Jolokia x Red 7 Pot.
I believe in a similar story.. I'm thinking a 7 Pot brown or Douglah Chocolate x Bhut might be the parentage.. Would explain some of the varying shapes that exist , flavour and chocolate pheno..
ajdrew said:
Virtually every source has Ed Currie crossing a habanero with another pepper to come up with the Carolina Reaper.  That other pepper seems to change with the source.  But there is almost always listed a habanero type as one of the peppers in cross.  As habanero and the 7 pot line you were discussing are different peppers, I -believe- what you are saying is that you think the story that the Carolina Reaper was created by crossing a habanero with something else is not true.

Because peppers are self pollinating and pollen is very small, i could certainly see Mr. Curry thinking he had crossed pepper A plant with pepper B pollen when in reality a spec of pollen from pepper A self pollinated the plant.

Agree with Rob and Kraken.
I've just done 10 crosses and none have failed due to self pollination (all my crosses have parents different enough, that I can tell if they are crosses or self pollination). If I can do it, so can Ed. Further if you emasculate and bag the mother flower, you can be fairly certain that if the pod sets, it is with the intended pollen.
Spicegeist said:
Alright!  Nice work... you going to grow them?
Not really, not going to put 50$ in one single variety... :(
Unless i find 15-20 people to share the business...
But at this point i think it would be better for a vendor to buy them, he would have 60 or more packages of 15 seeds each to sell... Even at 3$ a package he would easily have 4 times his money back!  :)
The more I look at the CARDI official version the more I think it and the "7 Pot Long" are pretty much the same thing. 
Have a look here:
Different?  No think so.
And here:
Same same no different.
7 Pot/Pod was all the rage.  Everything was named a 7 Pot/Pod just to feed the hype.  I have posted about this before but way of example:  7 Pot White.  No such thing.  Grant @ JungleRain made this one - Giant White Hab x Yellow 7 Pot - he even states it as such on his site.
Me?  I'm over it.  I call it what it is.  Example:  I don't list the Burgundy as a 7 Pot on my growlist, it is listed as Burgundy ("7 Pot") - just so that folks know what it is - seeing as they are familiar with the other name.
Concerning crossing peppers it isn't as hard as one might think. You simply cut out the antlers before the flower ever blooms. No pollen is released by them before that. You simply have to bag it before and after you use the antlers from whatever pepper you're crossing with it insuring the purity of the cross.
On Carolina Reaper: I want to be clear about what I said.  I was responding to Spicegeist's apparent opinion that the Carolina Reaper is not a cross.  From what I can tell, he seems to think it is a 7 pot variety.  Essentially, I am saying that -IF- Spicegeist is correct I could see error rather than deception.
