Seeking tips on growing chilhuacle negro

I am looking for tips and thoughts on growing chilhuacle negro.  I tried 2 years ago.  Got some decent germination, but all the seedlings failed within about 8 weeks.
This year I am trying again, so any and all tips are welcome.  
Also, new to posting in the forum, so let me know if I posted in the wrong place.
Hello Sonja, what medium were you growing the peppers in? Were they indoors, in a greenhouse or outside and what temperature were they in roughly? were you giving them any nutes before they died?

Sorry for all the questions but it'll make it a bit easier to try and identify what the issue was :)
WindowsillGrower said:
Hello Sonja, what medium were you growing the peppers in? Were they indoors, in a greenhouse or outside and what temperature were they in roughly? were you giving them any nutes before they died?

Sorry for all the questions but it'll make it a bit easier to try and identify what the issue was :)
Thanks for asking.
Medium was paper towels until ~1/2" then soil from Costco.  Will try to find brand name and get back to you.
They were started indoors, east facing window sill.  Never got more than about 2.5" tall before dying.  Put a small amount of Osmocote (9 month southern) in them.
Considering Miracle Grow soil this year based on advice.
I grew Chilhuacle Negro last year. They grew pretty much the same as any other annuum variety would. I am thinking maybe there was some issue with the potting soil you used (poor drainage/ excessive water retention perhaps), or maybe you hit them with too much fertilizer too early and burned their roots. Most commercial potting soil already has chemical ferts in it, and 2.5" tall is still a pretty young and tender plant. 
Also, the east facing windowsill might not be providing enough hours of light for optimum growth. You might want to consider supplementing that with some artificial lighting.
Miracle Gro potting soil is certainly adequate and will work, but you might consider using something like Fox Farms Ocean Forest or Pro Mix instead, if you can find them at your local nurseries. These are a bit pricier than Miracle Gro, but they are superior products IMO.