trade Seeds for Trade


Here is a list of seeds I have that are more than I need for this years pepper garden. These seeds have been bought since September 2007 and are for the 2008 season. These were bought from reputable dealers except for the ebay seeds and I would expect the varieties to be true.

All I ask is that you look at my total list on my blog (2008 Inventory) and If I do not have a particular variety that you have, it can be trade city. For those of you that want some seeds but do not have any pepper seeds to trade, tomato seeds could work too, or if you need the seeds and don't have another source, the word give can come into play (Dang AJ, you must be feeling generous this morning). The reason I am limiting the trade to 5 seeds is to give more people the opportunity to have a variety or 2 they currently do not have plus I only plant 5 at a time. If interested, PM me with what you want with a mailing address and you will get a care package.

I will try and keep the list updated for about 2 weeks depending on what the response is.

Updated List

Forgot to add, I have 150 anaheim seeds that I got out of a 12" long, 2" diameter at top pepper from the grocery and will be glad to give any or all of these away. I kept 20.

Also I have plenty to share Wild Tepins that are from a bush just off the back of our drummer's property.
Dang AJ is right, thanks again for the trade we did last week. Anything you ever see me growing and you want some seed you got it. Nice looking list you have for this year.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Dang AJ is right, thanks again for the trade we did last week. Anything you ever see me growing and you want some seed you got it. Nice looking list you have for this year.

Thank you my friend....
Out of space as well, but that's one generous offer. I hope all the takers enjoy it. It's nice to see people do these offers. :)

I am home sick today with a bad head cold...wonder if a DefCon 1 bloody mary will make me feel better...maybe some wasabi/horseradish to clear my sinuses.
Hope you get better AJ! That yuck is going around.

I could use a few trinidad scorpion if you can spare them.

If your pepper plot is full, I have some great basil seeds lol.

Just thought that I would throw that out.
Thank you Cheezy...PM me an addy and I will get them packaged up and sent out tomorrow if I go to work...

Anyone else, if you want any of these, just respond here and PM me a mailing address....k?

Trinidad Scoprions Gone...
Hey, I'd be into getting these

Little Elf
Largo Purple
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Demon Red
Heat Wave

I also wouldn't mind some of the Anaheim and Tepin you mentioned! :)

I can offer

Dutch Yellow Chili
Pimientos Del Padron
Rocoto Aji Largo
Dedo Del Moca
Aji White Wax
Rocoto Wurzelformig
Lemon Drop
Bird's Eye (not 100% sure about this one, but a good variety for sure, rich harvest, easy to grow, pretty hot - well worth growing)

Make your choice and PM me if you're interested, man!
I would love some NuMex Sandia, Lare Red Cherry Hot , Aji Colorado and Yatasufa, I can offer you a selection of 20 tomatoes in exchange (5 seeds of each variety) ................ I'll be in a position later on in the season to trade chillies but just tomatoes for now I'm afraid! Hope this sounds good to you!
Chiliac said:
Hey, I'd be into getting these

Little Elf
Largo Purple
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Demon Red
Heat Wave

I also wouldn't mind some of the Anaheim and Tepin you mentioned! :)

I can offer

Dutch Yellow Chili
Pimientos Del Padron
Rocoto Aji Largo
Dedo Del Moca
Aji White Wax
Rocoto Wurzelformig
Lemon Drop
Bird's Eye (not 100% sure about this one, but a good variety for sure, rich harvest, easy to grow, pretty hot - well worth growing)

I have the seeds packaged and ready to me mailing address....All I would like is the Lemon Drops....I have some birds the way, I am not going to send you any of the anaheims...seeds no germination...
Biscombe said:
I would love some NuMex Sandia, Lare Red Cherry Hot , Aji Colorado and Yatasufa, I can offer you a selection of 20 tomatoes in exchange (5 seeds of each variety) ................ I'll be in a position later on in the season to trade chillies but just tomatoes for now I'm afraid! Hope this sounds good to you!

I have the seeds packaged and ready to me mailing address....the tomatoes sound good...
Trade Thread Closed....

I am really busy with work and trying to get ready for transplaning in about a month...sorry all, but I have to close this thread...

If there is anything you absolutely can NOT do me and we can talk....

Thanks to all that traded with me....