media Seed starter mix: Do I add dol. lime to my peat?

I'm going to use peat as a portion of my seed starter mix. I've seen that several other members use it as part or entirely as their germination mix. That said, in this particular situation, I've not seen any info with regards to amending the peat with lime to lower the acidity.
Can anyone shed some light on this? Should I proceed the same way as I would if adding peat in general or do I leave out the lime for a seed starter mix?
Thanks for answering my noob Q.
I have for starter:
Coco Coir (rinsed of salts)
Peat (with or without dolomitic lime)
Pure Worm Castings
Mycorrhizae Powder
Have not decided yet on proportions.............
Well if it were me and say i was making 5 gallons of mix I'd use 1 1/2 gallons coco 1 1\2 gallons peat 1 gallon perlite and 1 gallon worm castings and 2 cups of lime to the mix. I've never used vermiculite so I can't speak on that.
i would have to check my notes, but i usually add what comes out to like 2.2 lbs of prilled dolomite lime to every bale of sedge peat. ts the epsoma brand that comes from lowes/ HD.
the best way to know for sure is to check the ph of the mix as is stands with the slurry method. you will need a digital meter tho.
look for a thread... "how to make peat lite like a boss", alternatively just google "soil ph slurry mehtod"   