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Seattle Wing Dome revisited on Heat Seekers TV show


Business Member
The new FoodNetwork show Heat Seekers visited Seattle on the 3rd episode and ended up at the Wing Dome, the same joint we visited for the Wing Dome challenge last year. I haven't found an official website hosting the show but did find it here.... (Make sure you have pop-up blocker ON-)


If anyone can find a link or even a youtube posting of the wing dome clip, feel free to post it.

Basically, they show the sauce as it's being made with cayenne powder, onion powder, red chile flakes, black pepper, garlic powder, cumin, fresh jalapeno, fresh habanero, horseradish and butter. For the 7 Alarm sauce, they jack up the cayenne powder, pepper flakes and fresh habaneros. I remember the server saying it was made with habanero extract.

Here's the 5 Alarm recipe as posted on Food Network-

These 2 guys did the same 7 Alarm Challenge we did last fall and they didn't even get through 2 wings! Heck, I think the one guy didn't even finish ONE wing! Salsakid did better than THAT! Notice in the clips of the customers, how many of them look like they .."urp"...after tasting the wings.

I'm wondering, of those who tasted the sauce/wings, do you think the recipe they show is the same recipe that we tasted? The sauce I tasted seemed a whole lot harsher than just habs, jalapenos and dry cayennes and flakes.

And just a fyi, RS67man and I ate 6 wings, Salsakid ate ~2, and chileaddict and lazinfat completed the challenge. :woohoo:

Also in the episode is a visit to a diner where they make a take on a Bloody Mary for a breakfast dish. Basically eggs poached in tomato juice with Worcestershire sauce, habs, Tabasco, black pepper, etc and served over grits. That actually sounds interesting...

SO, what do you think? real recipe or not????? NW chileheads who tasted it (includeing the other friends and relatives who were there and tasted it) Does the recipe sound accurate or did they leave out a few ingredients... like extract?
The 7-alarm wing sauce definitely had lots of extract in it. That's what gave it the horrible taste we all gagged on. The server told me the 7-alarm sauce had habanero extract in it, which was so foul that I can't remember tasting anything else. The 5-alarm sauce actually tasted pretty good. Not too hot at all, but tasty. No way in any form did they even have a resemblance to the quality of Defcon's wing sauce when it comes to flavor. I had CaJon's Jalokia wing sauce at home the other day and that was also much much better in flavor than Wing Dome wing sauces, with decent heat that I jumped up with my own powder.
I hate it when "chefs" use extracts...like they think they've accomplished something. They diminish what we seek, by turning the food into a college dare. It takes creativity like we see here on the board to get the heat, and the FLAVOR.
You took the words right out of my stomach LunchBox!!!
What's next? broken glass omelets? Battery acid soup? Come on man!

I saw that show SL's talking about, I actually love the show, but that "owner/chef" at the "Wingdome" seemed like a tool. I think what he showed the TV cameras on that episode might have been the original recipe, but any average joe off the street gets extract sauces made at a central "hub-kitchen" then sent out to his chain of Wingdome restaurants. What I saw him make looked de-lish, (except for the horse radish) but what SL described the taste as "metallic", [extract]... something doesn't add up.....