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chinense Scorpions + Frying Pan = Holy $#!7 !!!

This is actually funny looking back on it but dam I was hurting for awhile.

I picked a bunch of Morugas Saturday and decided to have some with my Sunday Morning sausage and eggs for breakfast.
Thought I'd just slice a couple up and toss em in with the sausages, but no...wait, I had a better idea! I decided to blacken them first to get a bit more flavor so I heat my cast iron skillet up really hot and toss the pepper pieces in it getting ready to toss the sausage in right after.
I starts to smoke and in seconds I'm overcome by the fumes and stuck bent over coughing so bad and eyes watering I can't even find the knob to turn off the stove.
I run outside and just sit there for a minute while the things are still sizzling away.
It wasn't a whole lot of smoke but there was some, it was mostly cooking up fumes. Next here comes my dog running by me outside in the back yard.
He was asleep in the other end of the house and got zapped too.
Wife was off to church or I'd be in deeper lol.
So I'm finally able to breath after a couple minutes and run in and turn the stove off, grab the pan and run outside again and toss it on the ground... overcome again...

All in all, it took about 30 minutes before I had the windows open, ac on, fans on, etc... and was able to go back in the house breathing right...

So... I guess this is a warning.. dont try to blacken your peppers!
Yea i been there and done that also Hahaha!!....The very 1st time i tried a super hot it was the brain strain and i decided to cook it with some ribeye steaks and at the time my cuz who is a photographer was in the process of doing some family portraits about 8 people from old to lil kids. Well about 2 mins after I threw them in with the steaks u can hear everyone coughing and kids crying (I'm outside on the grill cooking the rest of the food the super hots and steak were for me and my cuz) and they start to run out of the house like it was on fire ALL of their eyes are red and tears running down their cheeks and coughing and sneezing uncontrollably lol i laughed so hard afterwards and still laugh about it to this day it was the most funniest thing ive EVER seen but at the time a lil scary becuz i didnt know wtf was going on!!
This pretty much happens every time we cook but the absolute worst was deciding to smoke some bhuts I had previously dried before grinding them up.  Problem was the smoker was too hot and roughly 150 bhuts caught fire and released a neat spicy cloud of smoke.  :hell:
I think nearly every one of us has had a similar story at least once...sometimes many more times than once. 
Bhuts are bad, but Scorps,  and brainstrains are way worse. 
Jeff H said:
I think nearly every one of us has had a similar story at least once...sometimes many more times than once. 
Bhuts are bad, but Scorps,  and brainstrains are way worse. 
I'll be sure to set some of my Morugas on fire this year and note the results.  :P
Hahaha! Idk why i do it but i get drunk and do stuff like that. A week or so ago i came home and was gonna fry up some tenderloins. I decided to do the same thing. I went out back, picked a primo, chopped it in half and tossed it in my skillet. The same thing happened.. Lol. My eyes were tearing, I'm coughing like crazy and figured I'm already cooking the food so why stop. Lol! It was worth it tho! The heat infused in the oil and right in the food. Mmm!

With that said i want to tell you one of my favorite things! Really sucks to make tho. My grandmas father came to America from italy and she says they make this there. Any way put some olive oil in a skillet and dump in a bunch of flakes. Don't be shy. Lol.. Crank the heat and cook it until it smokes and the peppers are dark. I pour it into a little jar and it sits on my tabel. I put it on pasta and pizza. So good
i know what ya mean i just CAPPED the wife a few minites ago as i was finish off another sauce
while she was cookng dinner
needless to say shes not too happy with me right now LOL (shes coughing)
thanks your friend Joe
Dorkasaurus said:
I'll be sure to set some of my Morugas on fire this year and note the results.  :PGet 
Make sure you have a video of it. I don't want to have to ignite a sunrise scorpion to find out what it does.
cruzzfish said:
Make sure you have a video of it. I don't want to have to ignite a sunrise scorpion to find out what it does.
I can already tell you what it does.  Hell set a pile of dried green chile on fire and you'll have a hard time breathing.  Cooking with them can be a coughing gasping experience but on fire it's like instant chemical warfare. 
I had a shitty garden this year so I don't have a lot to spare but I'm probably picking everything that's left this weekend, green or not, and they'll be enough for a BBQ experience.  I might even film it since everybody has videos of themselves eating a hot pepper.  I'm waiting to see someone crush em up into powder and smoke and/or snort them.  Take it up a notch...
:onfire: :crazy: :fire: :censored: :eek: :flamethrower: :evil: :dance: :!:  and I thought we had a vomit emoticon but just imagine it here