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video Savina video of Fail


Man, Im just frelled.

I just ate a 2/3 of a Red Savina for fun and a video. NP, eh?

Wrong..after was all done with, found out the damn thing didn't save the video. Dam! I only got a pod left atm, and I just ate the other one.

Was tasty, and pretyt dang hot for a very long time. But wasn't as bad as I thought for 500k+ scoville.

I have this vision of these peppers being a hot pepper literally sending me to the ER, but so far, none is even close.

Painfully delicious, and my throat and tummy is sayign wft is wrong with you..but ain't that bad. Neil, I think I can take ya on mate. ;P

Oh well, Naga Morrich is next...if I cna eat that.what else is there?

Just wait til I have fresh ones eh, matey?

If I eat the whole reconstituted Morrich pod, ya think that's close to a fresh one?
I mean, the epic "I ate the Naga Morrich" thread wsa off of just a peice of the pepper. I'm gonn eat 1/2 of one. Split lengthwise.

I had the thought...eating one of each pod of the 3 top peppers.. but all at once. The Uber Salsa.

Since 3 chiles at once would be bit hard to eat, I propose same deal, just stemmed and chopped a bit up first.

Salsa from the kind of Hell even Hell would need A/C and a Waiver for.. ;)

Oh right, i haven't grown them yet. ;)

When I do, I'll make that, perhaps a little garlic for flavor...and eat it.

And i won't frell the vid this time.

Fact, Im going to soak up the Morrich right now....the Savina only hurt me a lil bit more than the Fatali..so why not do both tonight?

Btw, the few ml of water i'd used to hydrate them, went nicely into my beer. :D

man 2 in 1 night,lol hopefully the ring sting wont be too bad. so are you putting the video up right after you eat it?
red savinis are never 500k scor is bs, but they are tasty and hot.
better luck next time with the camera man thats a bummer lol.
I don't get the ring sting anymore.

I think it's a matter of if your digestion systme is runnging properly or not. Extract will sting ya, yes, but natural..doesnt me.

But will post the Morrich Vid for sure since this one got lost in the ether. :( Was about a 6min vid too..bugger.

Here's the Morrich pod plumping up..plain water, in the fridge.
No heating as heat can kill the capsaicin. And, since capsaicin is anhydrous, the water won't kill much of the heat.

After about an hour:


Around 2-3 hrs are needed at least. You want it fully hydrated, but not waterlogged. Then, I suggest using the now very hot water that is leftover to mix in whatever..IMO beer works well. ;)

I wish I had fresh, but Hippy assured me that his dried pods once rehydrated are dam close to fresh in heat and all. He should know, eh?

They sure taste fresh..smel fresh too.

Hippy is da man, but I'm gonan nip at his naga-eating heels.. ;P

I fear no pepper...yet.


yea i still reakon hotter fresher, but taste is same.
Hers my theory on(and just my ideas) if ya eat a whole fresh hottest, whole dried all seed, just bout same, whole no seeds prob 3/4 and a piece fresh (a 1/6 of a fresh Savina, gets just about as hot, but lasts lots less as a full) so if ya can sort of get that, cool.

apparently capsiacin is stored in the membrane and when it is broken, sprays into the seeds(so ive heard/read) so, thats why i think they arnt as hot seedless..

thanks re: the freshness, thats taken ages to get right, and found by accident during an experiment. nice pic of the Pack ya had up too can u email me that as a jpeg or png, i cant find the link ya sent (and i liked looking at it) hahahha

and you will get ring sting if ya do nearly 2 in a day, :) get back to us tomorrow hahaha

hope ya like the morich too. nice looking piece

take care man
theHippySeedCo said:
thanks re: the freshness, thats taken ages to get right, and found by accident during an experiment. nice pic of the Pack ya had up too can u email me that as a jpeg or png, i cant find the link ya sent (and i liked looking at it) hahahha

and you will get ring sting if ya do nearly 2 in a day, :) get back to us tomorrow hahaha

hope ya like the morich too. nice looking piece

take care man

Ya, tres cool :)

I emailed ya that pic, but just in case here ya go.

Smaller pic w/ labels (600x493px, 71Kb)

Bigger pic w/o labels (800x658, 145Kb)

Oh, no appreciable 'ring-sting' today, though I could tell I'd eaten hot stuff ...:lol:

I guess my body is just used to it.
I'd had a turkey & cheese sandwich later on with habenaro puree and Mayo as condiments, lettuce, and my spicy pickles. Was tasty.
